April 12, 2022 New Program of Mindful Meditations A new program called Mindful Minutes. We are building them out and believe they will be so helpful for our groups!
April 9, 2022 Good News For Good Health! Cooking is making a comeback! That’s great news for our culture of health.
April 8, 2022 How Old Is Your Heart, Really? The Real Heart Age calculator is a wonderful tool that is easy for employees to understand, and easier for employers to plug in.
April 7, 2022 How I Got To NZ Our nimble “work-from-anywhere” attitude at MedWell got pushed to the extreme when covid made everything go sideways.
April 6, 2022 Prescription For Heart and Mind? Get Out. Pick the low hanging fruit of health. Get outside and walk in nature. The science gets stronger year by year, showing benefits for heart and mind.
April 5, 2022 Maori Health Model The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand. They have a proud vibrant culture, and an established model of health that is a…
April 5, 2022 A Cohesive Culture at MedWell Stuff happens. And in any company, when that stuff happens it shows you the character of the people around you. In that regard, I could not be prouder of our team.
April 1, 2022 For Diet, Focus on Principles Not Particulars To get the best nutritional and dietary advice for employees, don’t follow the fads. You can focus on cultural habits of healthy people, just be sure to coach them on the principles that make it work.