Category: Articles

Top Ten Tips For The Month of March

Top 10 Tips for Nutrition Month: March is the time of change. A time when winter lets go of its icy grip and spring creeps in, slowly but surely.  For our health, March is a transition time for us to start new as well.  Just like there are new...

Welcome To March!

What we focus on in March! In under 2 minutes, learn why its important to “Go Green and Get Screened”. Come by the site for more information: Or just reach out if you have any questions at all:    ...

Asparagus Risotto

This dish is perfect for crazy March, which can be wash-your-car warm one day, and freezing cold the next! In the same way, asparagus is a perfect early spring veggie. But it is mixed in with the hearty warm comfort food of risotto. This combination delivers the perfect balance...

Sanity Snacks: Quick Mindfulness For Crazy Busy Days

Not everyone has time for a long meditation session, but that doesn’t mean you can’t reap the benefits of mindfulness throughout your day. If you’ve ever had a day like this, Mediterranean Wellness has something for you: “sanity snacks”. These are short, effective mindfulness practices designed to fit into...

The Top 5 Ways To Set The Tone: Make Mornings Matter

Starting your day off on the right foot can have a significant impact on your productivity, mood, and overall well-being all day long. Here are five proven strategies to help set a positive tone for your day: 1. Practice Morning Mindfulness or Meditation Starting your day with mindfulness or meditation...

Activity Routines For Chilly Weather

For many, February is a tough month for physical activity. If this is you, this month opt for gentle forms of exercise that suit the winter season — we have a long list of options for you to try below. These can help you stay active so when March...

Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month, a perfect opportunity to embrace the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans. They point out that the most nutritious diet on earth is the Mediterranean approach, and this emphasizes eating behavior rather than merely counting nutrients. This pattern of eating is characterized by its rich...

Tuscan Bean Soup

This recipe was submitted for our recipe contest! We are looking forward to giving it a try, as we hope you are too! Thanks Alivia!! It sounds delicious! You’ll Need 1 pound Navy beans, dried, or other white bean of choice 10 cups water 1/2 cup olive oil 1...

Searching For Health in an AI World

We know that there are so many avenues to attain health information. And it can be overwhelming to decipher what is beneficial or a hoax. Research shows almost 40% of consumers reported using generative artificial intelligence (AI) for health-related purposes. And these systems are prone to be misleading, flat...

A Recipe That Will Change Everything

I’m going to share something with you that is foundational to countless recipes I prepare. It’s boring, and not even something that you eat by itself! It’s chicken stock. Yes, seriously. But this is the magic that becomes the best soup you’ve ever tasted, and stew, and sauce, and...

Unconventional Stress Outlets

The holiday season often brings a whirlwind of obligations and time pressures, leaving many feeling overwhelmed even at the thought of it all. While conventional stress relief strategies like deep breathing or yoga are effective, and may be tried and true for many, it may not spark the enthusiasm...

The Politics of Family Politics

This is a tough article to write, as the stress and division the recent political months have created is quite real. However, the holiday season offers a chance to heal, reconnect, and focus on what truly matters: love, support, and togetherness. A place to start is to lead with...