3 Longevity Lessons: #3
Learn what to do to live a longer healthier life. ...
A “Brain Dump” To Help You Fall Asleep
Here’s the problem. You put your body to bed, but your brain’s not having it. Even though you lay yourself down, your mind spins with all the things you have to do, need to do, and may have forgotten! Plus, the first 20 minutes of trying to get to...
How many minutes of your lifespan gets erased if you eat a hot dog?
Eating healthy foods can extend your life. So can unhealthy foods erase your life? ...
Should You Eat 3 Meals Per Day?
Eating three meals a day used to be the standard advice for good health. However, today “health experts” have many different views; some say that you should have six meals a day, others say just one, and others say that you should have fasting days. What Do Healthy People...
Dollars and Sense. About That Exercise.
Here’s the preamble to this post. I comforted a dear member of my family who fought bravely for so long against cancer. What would I now give, how much would I now pay, to have her back? All of it. The bottom line — and I know you know...
Just Asking … Do you think the Low Carb Diet is even relevant anymore?
In your experience, what do you think? If you want to copy and forward this article to get another opinion on the boards, here you go. It was all the rage wasn’t it? Back in the late 90s, all people could talk about was the low carb Atkins approach,...
Try This To Get More Energy In Your Day
If you're tired of being tired, this one thing may help. ...
Which Is Better? Iron That Comes From Meat, or Iron That Comes From Plants?
Animal meat has iron in it, but so do some plants like spinach, beans, etc (the list is below). So how are those two iron sources different, and does that even matter for your body? It turns out that where your iron comes from absolutely does matter. Animal meat...
The Benefits of Exercise Nobody Told You About!
It Cuts Down on Those Midnight Trips To The Bathroom When you gotta go, you gotta go. And sometimes that’s at 3am. And when that happens, good luck getting back to sleep again. Are you frustrated with that? Are you SO over it? Because if so, regular exercise can...
More Crazy Wacked Out 100% Legit Things That Exercise Does For You.
All week, we’re giving you the effects that exercise has on your body — not the normal stuff you’re used to, but some truly crazy things you never saw coming! Exercise Can Reverse Shrinkage Effects of Alcohol on Your Brain First, we have to say that zero...
The 100% Legit, Wacked Out, Never-Saw-This-Coming Impacts of Exercise
We’re doing this a week long series because exercise is good for you, blah blah blah we know this. Honestly, we’ve heard it a hundred times. It’s good for your heart and helps manage weight issues, but there are some other off the wall effects of exercise you never...
A Miracle Pill For Health? You Decide.
(copy this link and share with someone you feel may need it) An incredible new drug is on the market, representing a miracle of therapeutic nutritional science. Recent reports from a broad array of research journals confirm this wonder pill’s absolutely stunning health benefits with only minimal, quite acceptable,...