Category: Articles

Three Lessons Learned from COVID

It is said that life must be understood backwards, but lived forwards. As we look backward to the massive disruptions caused by this global pandemic, what lessons have we actually learned? And more importantly, what of those lessons could we apply to our own lives as we move forward....

Cholesterol Schmolesterol?

Common nutritional advice has told us that cholesterol is a health risk. But as research progresses and we learn more about its functions, it turns out that cholesterol is vital for a healthy body. Cholesterol helps you absorb those vitamins you work so hard to include in your diet....

Test This Idea For Yourself

It’s well known that chronic exposure to bad news can increase risk for sadness, depression, and other negative emotional issues. But the opposite is just as true. When you focus on positive aspects of your life, your brain is more likely to produce positive hormones and act as a...

Your Health and the Changing Seasons

It is common to hear that moving into fall and winter can contribute to feelings of sadness or perhaps even weight gain. The condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder is the most well known emotional outcome of the shorter, colder days that are coming. But keep in mind that...

The Most Important Part of Your Brain That You Never Think of

Your blood vessels (arteries, capillaries, and veins) carry oxygen and nutrients into your brain cells to keep them healthy. If your blood vessels are unhealthy, they can break open. This is called a stroke and can lead to permanent impairment or death. It is critical to keep blood vessels...

With Exercise, Start Where You Are

If you have fallen out of your activity schedule over the past couple of months, it is time to reset your routine; if you think about exercise in the following way, it will be easier to start and sustain. For any exercise you do, there is some amount you...

The Stress of the New Normal

The current COVID-19 pandemic has had us all adapt to a “new normal”. Changing old routines can create stressors; although we have no control over how long this situation will last, there are things we can control. • With all the changes we face, it becomes more important than...

Brain Boosters

Research demonstrates that learning new things and having new experiences can aid in preventing memory loss and keep the brain alert in the process. Engaging in novel activities is like taking your brain tissue to the gym. This encourages more connections to be formed and strengthened. The outcome is...

Traveling While Staying Put

The current worldwide COVID-19 pandemic may have put a hold on your travel plans. However, research shows creating time away from work is beneficial for stress management; yet this does not mean you need to take an elaborate trip to receive the benefits that a break from work can...

CDC Recommendations If You MUST Use Public Transporation

Given the importance of the global pandemic, I think it’s important to provide the current advice from the Centers For Disease Control (CDC). This month, we will focus on being safe during the summer season.   Rideshare, taxi, limo for-hire vehicle passengers Follow the general principles listed above, plus the following....

CDC Gives “Do’s and Don’ts” of National Park Trips!

Given the importance of the global pandemic, I think it’s important to provide the current advice from the Centers For Disease Control (CDC). This month, we will focus on being safe during the summer season.     Staying physically active is one of the best ways to keep your mind and body healthy. In...

CDC Recommendations for the Beach and Pools

Given the importance of the global pandemic, I think it’s important to provide the current advice from the Centers For Disease Control (CDC). This month, we will focus on being safe during the summer season.   Visiting Beaches and Pools What you need to know Stay home if you are...