Train Your Brain in August: With Nutrition
All month we will explore the brain. Specifically, we’ll walk you through the methods for training your brain to be stronger, smarter, and faster! Your blood vessels (arteries and capillaries) carry oxygen and nutrients into your brain and then deliver them to the neurons to keep them healthy. If...
Train Your Brain: By Being Social
All month we will explore the brain. Specifically, we’ll walk you through the methods for training your brain to be stronger, smarter, and faster! Your brain is so well connected, and you should be too! In fact, interacting with one another is like food for the brain. This may...
Train Your Brain: Try Something New
All month we will explore the brain. Specifically, we’ll walk you through the methods for training your brain to be stronger, smarter, and faster! Research demonstrates what we probably already knew. Learning new things is a process that exercises your brain, and makes it healthier. The same thing is...
Train Your Brain In August: With exercise
All month we will explore the brain. Specifically, we’ll walk you through the methods for training your brain to be stronger, smarter, and faster! In my former life as a neuroscientist, I recorded brain cells to understand how the nervous system controlls behavior. I have this memory of speaking...
Chocolate For Skin Health? Yes Sir!
Those of you who know me saw this coming from a mile away. Hmmm, wonder what the number one good-for-your-skin food is going to be?? It turns out that the cocoa in the chocolate that you love to love can also protect your skin from UV damage from the...
Good-For-Your-Skin Foods!
The largest organ of your body is your skin. To care for this organ, so it can better take care of you, proper nutrition is important. But what foods are good for the skin? One group of good-for-your-skin foods are those rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They can be...
Summer vs Winter: Health Tips
Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” because it is produced in your body when your skin is exposed to sunlight. However, there are times when this is not advisable or even possible. If you have very fair skin and are susceptible to sunburn, you will need to protect...
Color Your Plate … Yellow/Orange!
All through June we are showing the vibrant and beautiful colors of health that we should be adding to our plates whenever possible.This week we show you why yellow and orange are some of the most delicious health foods you could ever have! Consuming foods rich with the carotenoids...
Color Your Plate … Red!!
All month long we show the importance of adding healthy vibrant color to your plate. This week, go red for health! Red is the color of love, and you are definitely going to love the amazingly sweet (think cherries, strawberries, apples) and savory (think beets) fruits and vegetables that...
Color Your Plate … Green!
All month, we emphasize the importance of a colorful diet of fruits and veggies, focusing on one color at a time! This week, add the color green to your plate. Green is the very color of healthy foods. When nutritionists recommend healthy foods, the first thing they tell you...
Vegetarian Makes You Mental?
Yes. There is a link between a vegetarian eating pattern and measures of depression as well as anxiety (most recently published here) in a large group of Americans, evidently pining away for their 40 ounce porterhouse, KFC Double Down, and daily half-a-cow sized burger. But wait. This study analyzed a bunch of Britons...
June is Color Your Plate Month!
All this month we emphasize the WHAT and WHY and HOW of coloring your plate for health. Many cultures agree that creating a colorful palette to your plate is a deliciously healthful decision. The Chinese for example equate the color of your foods with the particular organ it benefits....