Walk, Walk, Walk and Walk Some More
It sometimes feels like, if you want to truly make a difference in your health, you need to hit the gym every day or make every workout as intense as possible. But new research suggests that simply walking more can have a real impact on lifespan. In fact, people...
Supplements Mean We’re Losing
The latest results from an annual survey on dietary supplements revealed an all-time high for supplement usage among U.S. adults, with 76% reporting they consumed dietary supplements, up five percentage points from last year’s results. “These findings reinforce the upward trend in usage and confidence seen last year,” stated...
Create Support
Create Support Talking about your goal can be a key element to your success. The more you put it out there, the more people know what you are setting out to do, the more support you create around you! You will soon get that friend asking you how it...
One More Benefit of Moving More
All this month, we are are knocking down barriers to movement so you can be more active more of the time! Some people seem to just have more energy. It’s like they have more pep in their step and don’t drag and sag their way through the afternoon. There...
Breaking Down Barriers To Starting
All this month, we are are knocking down barriers to movement so you can be more active more of the time! Here is a huge barrier to movement. Just getting started! If you have been sedentary for a while it can seem very difficult to start moving again. And...
Breaking Barriers To Movement
All this month, we are are knocking down barriers to movement so you can be more active more of the time! Many of us would like to have more time to participate in physical activities that we enjoy. But as we all know, it’s not always practical in the...
Breaking Down 4 Barriers To Movement
All this month, we are are knocking down barriers to movement so you can be more active more of the time! When someone says that you should just “make activity happen”, it sounds very easy on its face. But there are some serious barriers between people and a routine...
The Energy Drain Hiding In Plain Sight
During the month of April, we will explore all the ways you can increase your energy levels. Why are you fatigued? Why are you sapped of energy? The reason for may be hidden in plain sight. For example, Dr. Christopher Starr of the ophthalmology department at Weill Cornell Medical...
Coffee vs Exercise: Energy and Focus
During the month of April, we will explore all the ways you can increase your energy levels. Coffee gets you going in the morning, providing a little oomph to clear the cobwebs and get your day started. This common comfort has been shown by many studies (and our own...
Sugar And Your Energy
During the month of April, we will explore all the ways you can increase your energy levels. When I was young, I played all sports but baseball was my favorite. And each afternoon on the way to the game we’d get a “Tigers Milk Bar” from the new Health...
Socialize To Energize
During the month of April, we will explore all the ways you can increase your energy levels. One of the great ironies of our modern world is that with the vast capability that we now have for constant connection, people often feel more lonely than ever. In fact, according to...
The French, Their Wine, and Cancer. An Interview with Will Clower
The Telegraph of London asked me to comment on the recent kerfuffle on the French, their wine, and cancer. Below is the article. Please let me know your thoughts! ______________ When Dr Will Clower moved from his native Alabama to work at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences in Lyon,...