Category: Articles

What is “Experience Gifting” and Why Is It Important

“Experience gifting” is a refreshing approach to the holiday season that emphasizes connection over consumerism. This practice encourages us to reflect on the true meaning of the gift-giving itself. So often, we fill boxes with things that are opened one minute and forgotten the next. But experience gifting delivers...

An Edible Salmon Tree for the Holidays!

Be careful making this appetizer. A, it’s a beautiful presentation. B, it tastes delicious. And C, it’s fun to eat! You’re totally going to be requested (demanded?) to make this every year! The good news is that, as good as this looks, it’s super simple to prepare. To show...

Dont Gobble Like a Turkey ;)

When Thanksgiving arrives, we are faced with truckloads of turkey, these potatoes, those potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing with OH so much lovely gravy … and that’s before those pies even happen! We know we need to eat less, but who is going to deprive themselves, really, at the T-day...

The closer you are to a Mediterranean approach, the longer and healthier your life (called the Healthy Life Expectancy Index, HALE). What I love about this research isn’t just that it confirms what we already know, but that it shows that it’s the entire pattern that matters. Nutrition is...

Is Your Diet Inflammatory?

Chances are better than average that our food choices create inflammation in our bodies. That’s because a new study reveals that 57% of U.S. adults have diets that increase inflammation inside the body, which increases their risks for serious health issues like cancer and heart disease. The Mediterranean dietary...

Top 5 Benefits of Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese martial art, but you don’t have to be a black belt to practice this or benefit from it. This exercise is perfect to improve the physical and mental well-being for people at all levels of fitness. From the mental health side: Tai Chi...

September Tip of the Month

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny. ” ~ Lao Tsu...

We Got Your (Lower) Back

In just 5 minutes, you can help loosen your lower back for the entire day. Pick a part of your morning routine (waiting for the coffee to brew, prior to your shower, etc.) and commit to that the time when you’ve “got your back”. There are other stretches of...

A Salad You Can Eat With A Spoon

Gazpacho is a perfect summer soup, and there are so many ways to tweak it to make it your own creation! So start out using this recipe as a base. Taste as you go, of course at the end, and then finally get feedback from the people you’re serving...

Marinades shown to reduce carcinogens in your grilled meats

When grilling outdoors this summer, there are definitely ways to do it right, and ways to make it far less healthy for you by introducing compounds (such as “Heterocyclic Amines” (or HCAs). But the Cancer Research Center of Hawaii found two marinades in particular that reduced these cancer-causing molecules...

Coaching about mental health and social media most often comes down to limiting the time you spend on it. In other words, reduce the quantity of your time online.   In addition to quantity, another critically important aspect for mental health comes down to the quality of your social...