Cancer Awareness Month: Colon
Colorectal cancer is the 2nd most commonly occurring cancer in women, and the 3rd most commonly occurring in men (source: One key suspect in this particular cancer formation is processed meats, particularly those cured with nitrates and nitrites (current thoughts on cancer boosters and blockers here:
Cancer Awareness Month
This month, we are focused on cancer awareness. We’ll do this by providing 2 infographics each week. The first will spotlight cancer fighting foods. The second will take a deeper dive into the data around certain prevalent forms of cancer. As always, looking forward to your thoughts! ...
Tired of Being Tired? Go Mental!
Debilitating fatigue can have physical or mental sources, and both of them leave you feeling like you’re completely out of energy. And this sense of exhaustion will be true even if you haven’t expended any energy through the day! One of the largest sources of mental fatigue comes from...
Tired of Being Tired? Here’s the antidote!
Here’s some irony for you. When you’re low on energy, you just don’t feel like being active. Maybe if you rest for a while, your energy will come back. But it turns out that this is exactly the wrong answer. It seems like a body might need rest so...
Tired of Being Tired? Avoid These Energy Busters
This is an easy one. Cut the sugar, and here’s why. Eating foods high in simple sugars causes that glucose to be absorbed quickly into your digestive tract. In response, your body quickly produces a spike of insulin (which quickly ushers that blood sugar into your tissues). In fact, this...
Tired Of Being Tired? Try These Energy Boosters.
There are boosters of energy, and there are busters of energy. Today we’re going over the boosters. Specific nutrients can boost your energy level in the short term, but also in the long term. The best part about these boosters is that they also happen to be delicious! Caffeine...
Tired of Being Tired? Time To Power UP in September!
How do you fight fatigue, beat the blahs, and stimulate your stamina on a daily basis? As you might expect, the causes of fatigue are all over the map, so each week, we’ll hit another fatigue factor, show what it is, and what to do about it. Don’t expect...
How To Sleep Like A Baby: Train your brain with routine
In our history, the machinery of the mind has been described to work like a hydraulic device, an automobile engine, a computer, and even a hologram. I’m sure that, as soon as we invent another amazing piece of technology, the brain will be compared to that as well. But...
How To Sleep Like a Baby: Give yourself a stimulation “off-ramp”
Hyper-stimulation is a very modern problem, and one that we recognize in kids. From video s to video games and even the common rapid fire social media interactions, a barrage of sensory inputs can make it hard for them to calm down and get to sleep. But the same...
How To Sleep Like A Baby: Food
Everyone knows about the “Halloween Effect.” Kids eat tons of candy, get wound up, and bounce off the walls. Most parents think that it’s the sugar that creates this effect, but it’s actually a combination of sugar and the artificial ingredients in most of those candies. So, like your...
How To Sleep Like A Baby: Activity
Do you ever wish your kids had a giant hamster wheel to burn off some of that energy. If they did you know they’d sleep so good when they got back home. Of course, timing is everything. If your uncle or sibling come over and really wind them up before...
How To Sleep Like A Baby: Introduction
Wait, what? Sleep like a baby? You mean wake up every 3 hours and cry … like a baby? Actually the better title for this series would be “How To Sleep Like A 5-year-old whose been playing in the pool all day.” But no one says that, for some...