Building a Better (Emotional) Brain
Levels of sadness exist within the brain. Some of them are trivial, like when the Patriots win … again! Others are all consuming, as when you cannot see the good, find the good, or feel the good in this world even when you are surrounded by it. Think of...
Building A Better Brain. Use it or Lose it.
Remember that saying, “you only use 10% of your brain”? It’s completely wrong. If you don’t use your brain, you lose it, which means that IF you have brain cells up there, they’re being used. At the cellular level, the connections between brain cells will retract and ultimately die...
Nutrition Month is 50 Shades of Crazy. Supplements are Downtown Crazy Town.
QUICK!! Take your pills, pills, pills, for health and vitality and more energy and better skin and deeper sleep and a 24 year old’s libido and less arthritis and depression and mania and stools that are too loose and stools that are too runny and pre-menopause and menopause and...
Nutrition Month is 50 Shades of Crazy. About Those Fats.
OMG whatever you do, DON’T eat the FATS!! They’re going to clog your arteries, make you fat, turn you into a couch slug, and give you zits! After being convinced for the past 30 years that if you eat fat, you get fat, now the only thing we can...
Nutrition Month is 50 Shades of Crazy
OMG, whatever you do, do NOT eat chocolate! It gives you zits, makes you super fat, keeps you up at night because of the caffeine, rots your teeth, and while it’s not doing all those terrible things to you it’s helping your body develop diabetes. BTW, the bullet points...
Nutrition Month is 50 Shades of Crazy
OMG what EVER you do, don’t eat the … carbs!! They’re making you fat and emotional with saggy skin and premature aging!! Look. Thin healthy people eat carbs. Every day. The Japanese are famously thin and heart healthy and eat rice as an absolute staple of their diet. The...
Nutrition Month Is 50 Shades of Crazy
Nutrition science says fear the fats (then stops saying that). Nutrition science says fear the carbs (when other science says, no it’s what you SHOULD be eating). Nutrition science says drink AT LEAST 8 swimming pools of water each day (then stops saying that). Nutrition science says eggs will kill...
Overcoming Fitness Hurdles, Like Hating Fitness
Run on a treadmill? I’d rather chew on a tree. Join a gym and go grunt with the other hairy sweaters? I’d rather get habanero pepper juice in my eye. For some people, hating exercise isn’t just a hurdle, it’s a wall, a barrier, a insurmountable obstacle that you...
Overcome Fitness Hurdles, Like “no pain no gain”
This week I’m talking about your fitness and how to overcome the things that stop you from starting, and the other things you should start in order to stop stopping! The mantra No Pain, No Gain is for athletes going for peak performance — or Marc Walberg and Dwayne...
Overcome Fitness Hurdles, Like Starting At The End
This week I’m talking about your fitness and how to overcome the things that stop you from starting, and the other things you should start in order to stop stopping! I had a friend who used to run. Then life happened and he didn’t for years while he raised...
Overcome Fitness Hurdles, Like What’s In Your Head
This week I’m talking about your fitness and how to overcome the things that are stopping you from starting. The things you should start in order to stop stopping! First of all, look at those people running their tri-athalon iron flipping whatevers up mountains and swimming the English Channel...
Heart Health Hangs A Left. Is Butter Back?
All week, we’re going off-road to explore heart health along paths you knew were there, but are definitely the road less traveled by conventional sources. Science is all over the map on this one, but on average things seem to be much better for butter lately. The chart to...