Weight Weight, For My Comfort Food Fiesta
A little chocolate is great for you. If you serve it by the metric ton … not so much. A little wine, an egg, a little cheese, some coffee, and on and on and on. Getting the theme here? People say that they winter Comfort Foods are a problem...
Weight Weight, Overeating Solution
What causes consumption? Hunger is one thing, but a more important driver of eating comes down to two factors: Proximity Visibility As #sad as it seems, research into the psychology of eating shows that if we see food — and we can reach it — it is more likely...
Weight Weight! Get Out.
You have to get outside every day if you’re serious about controlling your weight. Not just for exercise, but also for your emotional health. And these two — your physical and emotional health — interact in synergistic ways. And here’s the hurdle. You don’t want to go outside because...
“Weight Weight, Don’t Tell Me” Week
All week we’ll talk about managing Winter Weight, what to do, and how to do it. And winter is such a challenge with motivation, emotional health, activity, and nutrition! And think about it. If you can manage to manage everything for just a few more weeks, spring will be...
When Your Cancer Fighting Food Is A Drink?
It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee my friends, because they used to think coffee caused cancer. But good morning, sunshine, it’s a new day. Experts now recognize that coffee is a cancer fighter instead. So while you’re chewing over those cancer fighting foods I told to...
The Musical Fruit. The More Your Eat ’em The More You Fight Cancer
Yeah, yeah, we all know the rhyme, and they actually do happen to be good for your heart. But what people don’t say — maybe because nothing rhymes with ‘cancer’ except ‘schmancer’ — is that beans are amazing at reducing your cancer risk as well (check this review, if...
Cancer Fighting Foods Are ‘C’ Students
Good news! It’s okay, in fact it’s awesome, to be a C-student in nutrition! That is especially true if you want to reduce your risk of the C-word. For example, vitamin C is now being investigated as an adjunct with chemotherapy — in high doses — to help combat...
When Cancer Fighting Foods Get Boring
I know this is going to sound boring, but there’s another way to look at it. The most potent cancer fighters are not the fancy berries from Java or Fiji or where ever. They’re the plain foods that are right in front of us, and always have been. Hiding...
Cancer Fighting Foods Week
Why are winter veggies are such good cancer fighters? Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, beet, carrot, collards. And some of the best are the orange foods: pumpkin, carrot, and winter squash. Maybe it’s nature’s way of protecting us when the fresh fruit and veg are in short supply. Thank you mamma nature....
Frigid Fitness Week and The Internal Combustion Engine
Many guys I know — and me as well — tend to “run hot”. I could have the door open to the arctic circle and be just fine. But, in the company of some others, have been instructed to set the thermostat temperature to Solar Flare just to stop...
Warm Up Frigid Fitness Week With A Slow Burn
Okay, I’m old. Jurassic. Just call me Jerry. Jerry Attric. In fact, I remember when computers were not a thing. Do that math. One of the outcomes of my advanced age is that exercise affects me differently now than it did when I was still all young and pretty....
Friendly Fire Today For Frigid Fitness Week
Unless you’re a Yeti or just really dedicated, Winter Walking can be tough to start, and harder to follow through on. One of the reasons for this is because A) it’s cold; B) muscles tighten up; C) it’s cold; D) the color palate of gray on gray just wears...