If You’re Bored By This Article, You’re Doing It Right
Let’s just say you’re eating normal food: veg, dairy, some meats, grains, etc. You know, what healthy people do all over the Earth. Let’s say I came to you and breathlessly told you how amazing this new amazing stupendous molecule was (Vitamin K2, OH. EM. GEEEEE), and that you...
One Is The Loneliest Number That You’ll Ever Do
“They say” that exercise can be a great stress reliever. But there are often mixed data on this — whether it is or is not a stress reliever. Given that, there must be some other factor that’s mucking up the data. This study looks at one of them. When...
Dietary Magic Pulls Something From Thin Air
And now for my first act, I’m going to turn nothing … into something. In violation of Newton’s Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy I’m going to poof something right out of thin air by taking a zero-calorie thing, and turning that into luv handles and spare tires....
A Karma Kumbaya for Jocks and Nerds
Funny how life is. High School is normally divided between the nerds who were mental giants, and the jocks who were often just mental. The nerds could get more in shape any time they wanted, but spent way too much time computing the algorithm showing what a waste of...
The Problem With Solutions and Solution To Problems
Don’t run from problems, mine them. Don’t hope for solutions, find them. Finding solutions is like clearing your desk. Sort through each problem and put it away. When nothing’s left, you’ve found the way....
A Harvard doctor says blah blah blah your body
I read this article (below, originally pubbed here) because it had the word ‘Harvard’ in the title. We have this knee-jerk to leap — somehow leaping was NOT listed as one of the 5 best exercises for your body — to this conclusion right away. But then immediately did...
Hear Me Out. Here’s What Noise Pollution Does To Your Health
I feel for the Grinch, I really do. When you’re a child, you think “oh, Mr. Mean Green Man, leave the cutsey Who people alone!” When you get older you’re more like, “Yo Whoooodlums, with the banging all the time, what evil Aunt or Uncle bought you drums for...
Surprised by this result? I don’t think we are.
What do you think would happen — you know, hypothetically speaking — if someone created a product that was basically a delivery device for an addictive drug. First of all everyone would freak out because it would be so ridiculous to even suggest that you could put something like...
From Knowing To Doing
We know this: “Eat right and exercise”. But with our staggering weight and health problems, it’s clear that there’s a missing piece between knowing and doing. This study looked at diabetics and basically asked the question … “Does More Knowing Lead To More Doing?” In other words, if you have...
The Cost Savings of Eating Well
I’m not talking about the cost of your Cheez Whiz Corn Dog fix, your soda splurge, or Five For Five Meal Deal. This meta analysis of 330 studies correlated diet with it’s related economic consequences. The variables were CVD costs as a function of the consumption of salt/sodium, fruit...
If You Love Nuts Be Happy, Because Nuts Love Your Heart Right Back
This study points out that regular nut consumption reduces cardiovascular disease risk, partly from improvements to dietary quality. And the nutrients that are increased when you eat them (particularly, in this case, hazelnuts) include fiber, protein, total fat, MUFA, PUFA, potassium, folate, and vitamin E. This may be because nuts...
New Wine In Old Bottles
I read the title of this study: “Anti-inflammatory activity of natural stilbenoids”. Oooh, neat. Natural Stilbenoids!! A new term!! I don’t know what a stilbenoid even is, much less a “natural” one. Does that mean there are UNnatural stilbenoids? SUPERnatural stilbenoids? And, these natural guys are apparently anti-inflammatory, which means...