Category: Articles

The Rock Star Duet of Super Foods

If super foods were in a band, the Lennon-McCartney award that I just made up for absolute nutritional rock stars would go to cocoa and olive oil. This study of studies reviewed practically every research experiment on earth to conclude that: “Cocoa flavonoids provided to Type 2 diabetics — and olive oil...

The Magic Mediterranean diet is not a panacea. It never was.

Like magic, the Mediterranean Diet seems to cure all ills — diabetes, heart disease, obesity, crappy food choices. But it can’t cure all of them. You still need to move and be active. Crazy right?  This study looked at 3,358 young people (between 18 and 30 y.o.) with prediabetes, and then...

When Brands Collide. My Story.

It’s weird. I started as a neuroscientist, recording brain cells from awake behaving primates to understand how the brain both controls movement and learns new movement behaviors — acquisition and execution. After doing research in France, I saw what everyone else sees and just wrote down a dietary cultural comparison....

Peachy Peaches. Why They’re Awesome. What To Do With Them.

Over 30 years ago, Ronald Reagan proclaimed August to be “Peach Month”, and Georgia rejoiced. He wanted to encourage all Americans to incorporate this fine fuzzy fruit into their mouths. Now that we’re closing out August, peaches are peaking at Farmer’s markets, with their little farmers markety baskets of these...

Are Statins Worse For You Than A Mediterranean Lifestyle?

This report suggests that the Mediterranean lifestyle is better for you than Statins. According to Professor Giovanni de Gaetano, head of the Department of Epidemiology and Prevention at the IRCCS Neuromed Institute in Italy, “We found that among those with a higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet, death from any...

Why Am I NOT Hungry After Exercise?

That’s because when you exercise, your body shunts blood to the areas it thinks you need it: toward the muscles, lungs, and brain, and away from the viscera (your gut).   Follow @willclower When you stop exercising, it takes a little while before your body can make the cardiovascular...

Finally Some Good News On Health

We live in a wind tunnel of bad news. Day after day it slowly erodes your soul over time and numbs you to the daily onrush of awful. And I know it’s not fashionable to talk about positive things, so with apologies in advance, and despite our daily barrage...

Coffee Is Super Healthy, Unless You Mess It Up In One of These Three Ways

From a health perspective, coffee has turned a corner and is increasingly recognized as a healthful drink. In addition to being an antioxidant, it’s also linked to a decreased risk for Parkinson’s disease, protecting against type 2 diabetes, improving heart health, and lowering rates of depression in women. Despite...

Why English is “The Language of Obesity”

Italian may be the language of romance, but English is the language of obesity. Need proof? If you line up all the countries around the world based on their obesity rates, you’ll see that English is the dominant language of six of the top nine most overweight countries. These nations...

Fasting. Is it good for you or not?

We’re currently in the season of Lent, a practice in the Christian tradition that includes periods of abstinence and the denial of many foods and beverages. Follow @willclower Fasting isn’t limited to the Christian tradition. Other examples include Ramadan (a month of fasting), and the Greek Orthodox tradition in...