Category: Articles

Chocolate Countdown, Number 5 Reason To Eat Chocolate That You Never Saw Coming

Because it’s such a pain … reliever.Follow @willclower You love chocolate, and it totally loves you back. Its cocoa creates a birthday party in your brain, with neuroactive agents to boost endorphin levels (natural opiates), stimulate your brain’s cannabis receptors, light up the brain’s pleasure centers, increase serotonin levels,...

Top 5 Reasons To Eat Chocolate, That You Totally Never Saw Coming

I was talking with a woman who was struggling with her weight. “You know” she offered, “if I could just give up my chocolate addiction I could finally lose the weight.” Follow @willclower Honey, honey, honey, I replied. Chocolate’s not your problem. Chocolate’s your solution. She looked at me...

Milk Is In Your Chocolate, Even When It Says There Is None

Got Milk (In Your Chocolate)? After peanuts and tree nuts, milk is the most common allergen that can cause anaphylaxis (a life-threatening reaction that can narrow airways and block breathing). Less dire symptoms include hives, wheezing, and vomiting.Follow @willclower By the way, an allergic reaction like one of these...

Make a Plan For Running

Just did 3 miles this morning, just to keep myself up to speed (pun almost entirely unintended) for the September race in Washington DC.Follow @willclowerI used to enter a race once per year, but then I would be a slug for half the year. So I’m going to plan...

Ask Will: Are Cleanses Dietary Draino For Toxins?

Dear Dr. Clower, I’ve read a lot about cleanses lately. What is a good cleansing tea to drink to clean out your system? Follow @willclower I know. You hear about this stuff all the time, along with abs busters, fat-be-gone rings, no work no exercise pills that melt fat...

Changing how we think about exercise

Heading to Raleigh to speak for a client (Red Hat, who are awesome).  The topic is exercise and movement, but I’m not going to go full-on Jillian Michaels on them – because that exemplifies the core of what is wrong with our culture of health with regard to activity....

Ask Will: Is there anything to Plexus and Advocare?

Dear Will, My Facebook and email are covered in ads for plexus and advocare.  What is it? What is it supposed to do? Anything to the hype? Tricia Follow @willclower Hi Tricia, thank you so much for this question!  The business model for these products amounts to pyramid schemes run...