Solutions For Browning Avocados
Hi Will, I have a salad issue … it’s a beautiful salad with great stuff in it, but it just gets too big. For example, using only half an avocado, makes me mental because I can’t find a way to keep the other half from turning brown. Suggestions? Follow...
Dear Will, My family has always been health conscious and we try to do the right thing for our health – because it’s important! But I’m getting mixed messages from the news when I hear about supplements. Are there some that are better than others? Thank...
AskWill: This Valentines Day learn the difference between chocolate and “chocolate”
Dear Will, With Valentine’s Day coming up I’m a bit confused. Normally I’d just get chocolates for my wife, knowing that they’re a decadent, not-so-good-for-you treat. But lately I’ve heard that there’s good chocolate and bad chocolate. Now I feel like I could actually making wrong choice! Dear Confused,...
More (Emotional) Heart Happiness = Less (Physical) Heart Crappiness
There’s an exception to every rule … except for the rule that there’s an exception to every rule. For example, self-medication is almost never recommended. But in this case, these two drugs are so effective and infectious that you would do well to dose up and get started right away. Follow...
Ask Will: Cholesterol
Dear Will, Our son had his blood tested last week and has high cholesterol…so weird…he is only 10. My wife is really good about providing a balanced, healthy diet to the kids (has a hard time with me) but he still appears to have some more specific dietary needs. The...
As Michael Jackson Said, Beet It
I’m sure that was what the King of Pop was actually talking about. This weekend, I roasted these amazing beets for an afternoon salad. And as soon as they came out of the oven, I had to take this picture. Beets are art. Just look at these. Is there anything in...
Ask Will. Is Peanut Butter Good For You?
Dear Will, I’m not sure about peanut butter. Is it healthy for you? I’ve heard that it is, and I’ve also heard that it’s not. Thanks for any insights you can offer. David Follow @willclower Peanut butter is a total health food. And, as a food, it’s like blood type O, it...
Will TV Interview: Health Holiday Foods. The Reds, Greens, Goods and Bads.
Everything is red and green right now. But when it comes to food selection, which is which … and why? VIDEO: I’ll spell it all out here. And the good news is that the healthy foods are actually the most delicious. Talk about a win-win! (please share this with someone who thinks...
Study: Mediterranean diet prevents cognitive decline.
Don’t forget to remember to eat according to the Mediterranean dietary pattern! The data on the benefits just keeps piling up (see link below).
Ask Will: Is it okay to eat over one’s daily recommended sugar intake if the calories are coming from fruit?
Hello,Is it okay to eat over one’s daily recommended sugar intake if the calories are coming from fruit?Thank you!ChelseaFollow @willclowerHi Chelsea! In one sense, the source of sugar doesn’t matterAll sugar, regardless of the source — whether it’s from a grossly over-sweetened faux food or from a perfectly healthy...
Spoiler Alert. Holiday Drink Calorie Counts
Knowledge is power. But it can also be a bummer if your secret favorite on-the-sly guilty pleasure is some form of eggnog brulee latte whipped caramel cream explosion thingy.Follow @willclower So I wanted to give you just a little understanding of what is in your holiday cheer. When we are...
Ask Will: Dissing Dairy
Dear Will, Our son and daughter-in-law have informed us that based upon advice of co-workers in the medical profession, they will give our grandson almond milk rather than regular milk once he’s off formula. I may be old school, but I’ve never heard of such a thing unless a child...