For Healthier Products In the Grocery Store? Try The Ghandi Solution
The obesity epidemic is so profound that over 65% of Americans now range from overweight to morbidly obese. As a result, weight problems threaten to overtake tobacco as the number 1 preventable cause of death and chronic disease. One common response to this epidemic has been to reflexively point fingers at the...
Ick Or Treat! Candy Corn: Why to avoid this.
It says, “Made with REAL HONEY”, so it must be good for you. I’m presenting Week 1 of our Not One Ounce Holiday Program today at noon and 3pm, and we’re talking about the best candies to choose for Halloween. Spoiler Alert! (it’s not the candy corn)To make the point...
Hyperactive kids and the “Halloween Effect”: What’s really the cause?
Conventional Wisdom This article was written with Dr. Raquel Keledjian (who is awesome!). With Halloween soon approaching, parents brace for the yearly “Halloween Effect. This is the common belief that the sugary sweets and chocolates of Halloween cause children to bounce off the walls with hyperactivity. To compensate, parents often substitute...
Inoculate Your Child Against Childhood Obesity. Here’s How.
Research science has identified a new drug that increases the odds that children do not grow up to suffer from childhood obesity. This is an oral medication that must be taken daily, with meals, and administered by the parent. Follow @willclowerAnd what parent wouldn’t want to provide this medication,...
What Happened To The 8×8 Dietary Dogma On Water?
Several years ago, I sat in the office of the woman who ran the weight management program for UPMC, the largest hospital/insurer in the Pittsburgh region. She sat down with me to talk about this new Mediterranean diet idea, and my perspective on it. Follow @willclower She loved the...
Med Diet not just for prevention, beats low fat diet on treatment
We’ve known for a long time that the Mediterranean diet is good for prevention, to prevent problems like diabetes … and high blood pressure … and heart disease … and Metabolic syndrome … and boring tasteless food … from happening to you in the first place. Follow @willclower But this...
Stevia and The Tooth
Stevia comes from a South American plant (Stevia rebaudiana) that happens to be very very sweet, but doesn’t contain calories or nutritive value. It’s like a natural form of the synthetic versions found in the wedding mint colored packets (powder blue, sunshine yellow, and It’s-A-Girl pink) in any coffee...
On sugar, synthetic sugars, and metabolic derangement
I just presented yesterday for a large company’s health fair, and during both of my presentations the same question came up. What about sugar? After all, we know Americans eat about 140 POUNDS of sugar per person per year. I don’t eat a lot myself, so some of you...
Article: creative ideas for preparing oatmeal
13 ways to make Savory Oatmeal. Sent from my iPhone...
Adapt and Adopt: Translating a Healthy Culture into a Corporate Culture of Health
Follow @willclower Principles apply across condition. One principle for any business is that it is easier to adapt an existing successful business model than to reinvent the wheel and hope it turns out as well as the thing that already works. In other words, “find success … do that.”...
Sad, But True: Some Doctors Still Recommend Processed Food
Follow @willclower How Can They Justify Recommending These? The American Society for Nutrition has a stated mission, which includes the following: “… to support the dissemination and application of nutrition science to improve public health.” Fair enough, but they recently released a position paper telling us that processed food products are an essential...
Sour On Sodium? Try These Natural Alternatives
Follow @willclower Salt: Good at low doses, bad at high doses For good heart health, we have been coached to limit sodium consumption. This new research report links the massive amounts of sodium we consume with heart problems for people in 66 different countries. As you might expect, across...