Category: Articles

Spring Cleaning

How you think matters. And how you frame your mindset totally affects your physical health. I’ll make the point with a sturdy example of some solid boring drudgery: “Spring Cleaning”. The key to turning this activity from a chore into something more is making a decision. On purpose, decide...

Kaizen: Getting Your Process To Be Your Product

The Self-Talk You May Hear Inside Your Head: “You’re just faking it, you know. Look around at all the people who are bigger, better, faster, smarter. You kinda suck by comparison, and one day everyone’s going to see it.” “Humiliation. It’s bound to happen. It’s just a matter of...

Chocolate Heart Health

I made these at our house, and they are exactly as delicious as they look. Plus, they’re so simple to make, taking no more than 20 minutes to swirl together the rich yummy chocolate ganache, and then to dunk the ripe strawberries to perfection.   Alert! Sciency Speak Below...

Mindful Monday: Cultivate Kindness

Acts of kindness sow seeds that grow into a garden in the heart … of others, but also our own. And in so growing, produces the emotional oxygen we all need to survive and thrive in this world together....

Love Is Like Heart Medicine

Loving and caring for others are lovely heart healthy acts. And the good news is that it does not matter whether that affection is directed at your lifetime partner, dear friends, family, or pets. Acts of caring and compassion trigger the release of oxytocin into the brain. This neurochemical,...

Wabi Sabi: The Anti-Photoshop Principle of Japanese Culture

They say “the perfect is the enemy of the good”. Our current culture is the poster boy for this idea. Where everyone on ads and social is … Perfect. Smiling. Happy. Perfect. Smiling. Happy. It’s like our entire culture is photoshopped, with air-brushed everything all in soft-focus, corrected for...

Mottainai: Where Less Is Definitely More

I moved from a 3,000 square foot home onto a sailboat that was all of 46 feet long. The thing is, all that space made it easy to just fill it up with stuff … in boxes and drawers and closets, and don’t even get me started on that...

How To Get an Ali-Level Immune System

You need a Muhammad Ali-level immune system this winter to jab those germs, float by the flu (like a butterfly!), and totally KO the colds! Check this infographic and see which of these you may need to add. Don’t feel like you have to have tons of any of...

A Fiesta Party Dip

Looking for an easy and tasty dish for a Super Bowl party? Give this one a try! You’ll Need 16 ounce can refried beans (or prepared from the dried state) 1/3 cup black ripe olives, sliced, pitted, and, drained 1 large tomato, chopped 1 cup sour cream 1 cup...

February Is Heart Month

The month of February is National Heart Month. Given the massive evidence that the Mediterranean Approach is so heart healthy, this should be prescribed for heart health! We created this infographic to describe the Mediterranean Approach (so much more than just the diet!).    ...

Become a Resolution Superhero

As the calendar flipped to January, you probably stare at that list of resolutions with the same determination you reserve for tackling a buffet—enthusiastic, but slightly overwhelmed. This year, however, we won’t aspire to be a superhero overnight, but to channel your inner realist identity and embrace the art...