Category: Articles

Health Benefits Of Eggs

Eggs are good food! The idea that they are not good for you came from nutritional theory about the effect of cholesterol, not from an observation that egg-eating leads to heart attacks (see my interview re: eggs For example, the culture with the healthiest hearts on Earth are,...

Our new website is almost ready!

I’m so psyched!! This is the look of our new website … which will go LIVE by the end of the week!! We’ve added lots of new stuff, tracking, community, you can create your own news feed … it’s pretty cool. Once it gets on its feet, I’m going to open...

Get Needled to improve your allergy symptoms … just a bit.

(Reuters Health) – Acupuncture may help improve seasonal allergy symptoms in some people with runny noses and watery eyes, according to a new study – but the effect seems to be small. Researchers found 71 percent of people reported an improvement in their allergies after eight weeks of acupuncture....

How To Walk Back Rising Healthcare Costs

Politicians futz and fume over rising healthcare costs, honestly seeming like schoolyard children sometimes. Short of putting them in “Time Out”, I have a suggestion that is super cost effective as well as being, well, just effective!  Take STROKE as an example.  Here’s The Economic Cost of Stroke Every Year...

How To Get Kids To Eat Better: The Magic Solution

People try all kinds of crazy things to be healthy — both for them and their families. But here’s a radical solution: eat with the people you love in your life. Take your time. Talk. Need data? Schoolchildren whose families ate dinner together every night ate 1.6 more servings of fruits and...

Thanksgiving “Myth-conceptions”

Here’s another doozie: dark meat is worse for you than white meat. Dark meats has more zinc, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, vitamin B6, B12, amino acids, AND iron!!Take THAT, you dry, flavorless, white meat! In turkey specifically, dark meat contains more vitamin A, K, B6 and 12, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, selenium,...

Thanksgiving “Myth-conceptions”

Okay, here’s whopper number 1:  Turkey makes you tired. Here’s the theory. Turkey has a lot of tryptophan. Tryptophan in your body can be converted to serotonin and then melatonin, both of which play roles in your sleep cycles.  But serotonin is also involved in positive emotions, but no...

Thanks. Giving.

I LOVE Thanksgiving.  This is the time of year when everyone gets together, makes food, hangs out, and reminds each other that you have things to be grateful for.  As the name implies, this holiday consists of  both Thanks and also Giving.  Thanks:  Don’t blubber about it or cause...

Artichokes And Hand Grenade: October’s Healthiest Foods

I was at the checkout line at a grocery store to picked up stuff, including a couple of artichokes for dinner. The person at the checkout counter paused, then picked up the artichoke as gingerly as she could. Her eyes widened. She glanced up at me as if she heard the...

Crying Out Loud: Octobers Healthiest Foods (w video)

Dry your eyes, princess, onions are awesome. Say it with me … “onions are awesome”. Thank you!!  Yes, they make you cry when you cut them, but they make you very happy if you are a diabetic … helping you control your blood sugar (here you go, science geeks and...