News Update: FoodNavigator USA Launches New Jobs Service
Find a dream role with one of America’s leading food and beverage companies at FoodNavigator Jobs USA! FoodNavigator USA is proud to announce the launch of its new jobs service, FoodNavigator Jobs USA. With our new platform you can search hundreds of vacancies posted by American food manufacturers, processors,...
Video: Sleep Solutions
Sleep gets tougher as we get older. But why IS that? And who cares anyway? It’s just sleep, right? It is a zero calorie activity, whether I’m laying in my be awake, or completely out cold. So what difference does it make? It turns out to make a huge difference whether you...
New Anti-Stroke Drug: The Orange
I want the patent on this really cool new anti-stroke medication called … “the orange“. It’s a brand new drug that has many features you don’t see in other drugs. 1. It comes pre-sliced. 2. You can take it on an empty stomach3. It’s chewable, AND available in liquid form What Are...
Daily diet soda may increase risk of heart attack, stroke: study | Reuters
Here’s what the researchers found … (from the Journal of General Internal Medicine) older adults who drank diet soda every day were 44 percent more likely to suffer a heart attack. 44 percent!! That’s a HUGE number. Here’s the caveat. Their research showed a correlation between 2 things — more...
Video: How Harvard Disses Dairy … and WHY?
The USDA has been producing dietary guidelines for about 100 years now. The picture has gone from a PIE, to a square, to a pyramid, to a “rainbow pyramid”, to a circular plate. In this interview, I talk about how this change happened, WHY it happened, and the controversy around it....
My Segment with Dr Oz
This is my segment with Dr Oz on Cancer Fighting Foods. Dr Oz was terrific, by the way. As a person, he is exactly as he seems — genuine and very easy to be with. It was a great pleasure to talk and laugh with him. For more information: Click...
Vitamin D pills don’t prevent heart attack or cancer
Vitamin D from food is exceptionally healthy for you. But, here again, when the same thing is abstracted into pill form … It does NOT act the same way in the body. Here is the link to the article: Eat food. If it ain't food, don't eat it....
What’s Cholesterol Got to Do With It?
I love Gary Taubes … he’s awesome. I’m prepping for my Saturday radio program and ran across his op ed in the NYTimes (here’s the link), which reviews how “the cholesterol hypothesis” happened. Does the cholesterol idea (lower cholesterol = lower heart attack risk) even work? This article makes the point that the...
Study: Colas, but not other carbonated beverages, lower bone density
What would you do to make sure your bones didn’t fall apart beneath you? How far would you go to make sure your bones wouldn’t break: in the normal bumps of an average day; under your own weight? According to this study, there is a very simple solution that can bias...
New Study: Eat Slow. You’ll Eat Less.
How many times have we said this? The amount you’re hungry for is only PARTIALLY due to calorie-debt. It’s also about how FAST you eat it! Two new studies (click here to see yourself) by researchers at the University of Rhode Island found that: A) men eat significantly faster...
Coffee Controls Common Cancer (brought to you by the Letter ‘C’)
We were told, once, that coffee was AWFUL for you. It caused cancer, and all kinds of nasty things. But now we learn that this friendly morning drink is actually quite good for you and can help prevent a number of cancers from ever occurring!! If this is all too...
Is Butter Bad?
I’m on TV weekly, talking about a series of grocery store aisles and what is healthy/unhealthy about each. Today was “dairy”, and I spoke about milk, yogurt, and butter. It’s so interesting for butter, because I did an analysis of BUTTER CONSUMPTION as a function of HEART DISEASE DEATHS, to see...