Category: Articles

California lettuce recalled over listeria concerns | Reuters

I’m speaking today for the Rachel Carson Foundation about sustainability and food. I believe that an important route to sustain healthy foods for ourselves is to create a system that controls this kind of outbreak better. For example, if we had more local farms, and fewer mega farms who...

Is Junk Food Really Cheaper? –

Great article by Mark Bittman (link to full article is below), and I love this graphic that compares the actual cost for a family of 4. NOW, tell me why we don’t make our own food in our own homes? Is Junk Food Really Cheaper? – For more...

RadioWill: I have to talk about 9/11 this morning

9/11 is gone. And it’s not gone. Today I talk about its physical effects, emotional effects, how are these carried, and how can we best manage them. I hope you’ll join me. Listen live here from 12-12:30 Saturday, September 10.     For more information: Click here to visit Will Clower’s...

RadioWill: Are we WRONG about salt and health?

The President of the Salt Institute will be speaking with me about new data suggesting that we were wrong, wrong, wrong in our advice to cut salt consumption. Click Here to listen live from noon-1:00pm EST … and call in with your thoughts and questions for this amazing guest: 412.333.1360We...

Good food gone bad

Flying home from a trip to Louisiana, the stewardess asked if i wanted something to drink, so I asked for a tomato juice. The ingredients look fine, bit then I checked the salt content. An unbelievable 980 mg of salt (see picture below)! That's like Salt Lake City in...

Best Foods (according to CSPI anyway)

All foods are good foods. The list below (created by the Center For Science in the Public Interest) has only a couple of flaws. While the yogurt (#3 below) is awesome … low fat option is not something that any healthy culture does, and simply reflects their bias for the...

Top Ten Worst Foods

According to the Center For Science In The Public Interest, these are the worst of the worst of the worst. Not only should you not buy them … not only should you not eat them … you should keep them away from your loved ones!!  Notice when you look at...

Radio and TV this week

Hi everyone, I’m prepping for my radio program this morning. I’ll be talking about what are the BEST and WORST foods for us (at least according to the Center For Science In The Public Interest). HERE IS THE LINK TO LISTEN LIVE at 12:00 noon EST.Then I have to talk about healthy...

My Interview w Michelle Bernard (who is awesome)

This interview was from this past Saturday. I really enjoyed talking to Michelle about family, food, childhood obesity, and whether we should regulate foods and restaurants and stuff.  Let me know your thoughts on this interview!!Will For more information: Click here to visit Will Clower’s website....

How To Live Forever (your individual mileage may vary)

I read a very silly study conclusion today. Ready?  Lifestyle doesn’t matter. If you want to live a long healthy life, you only need to have the genes of the Ashkenazi Jews. There. Problem solved. This work, published this week in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society involved 477 Ashkenazi Jews aged...

Defeating Diabetes is Easy. You just have to look like this guy.

How hard could it be, right?  A new study just out in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism says that more muscle = more control over your Type 2 diabetes. Not eat well … not be more active … not avoid Ho Hos and you’re intravenous Mountain Dew addiction.  Just add muscle...

Can chewing more help you eat less?

You mean … like a cow working her cud?  A new study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that people who chew  40 times instead of a typical 15 times led to fewer calories consumed (by 12% — which would lead to weight loss of ~ 25 pounds for the average...