Category: Articles

Olive Oil Lovers Will Love This

Olive oil was Athena’s gift to Greece, according to legend, and the happy recipients of the largess d’godess took it straight to heart — literally.It turns out that those who use olive oil regularly are less likely to have your blood vessels pop open in your brain, making your...

Mediterranean wellness by sail

We actually get on the water tomorrow. At this second, I'm sitting on the plane on the last leg of the trip, after waiting in the Rome airport for most of this day. Grrrr. And, given my inability to sleep (ever!!) on the transatlantic flight from Toronto, I had...

Flight to Sardinia

I will be sailing for 3 wks in Sardinia and blogging about the food, the "sport" of sailing, and about this other culture. During the next 3 wks I'll try to write about things serious and mundane, to give you a flavor of what it's like in this area...

Airplane food on Alitalia airlines

Amazing. Can we get Alitalia to fly out of Pittsburgh … To ANYWHERE?? When I fly domestically, I get food from the cardboard boxes of Chef USAir, Continental, and Delta. Mmmmm. And they have oh so lovely processed food items that cost you around 7$. Oh, and if you...

Flight to Sardinia

I will be sailing for 3 wks in Sardinia and blogging about the food, the "sport" of sailing, and about this other culture. During the next 3 wks I'll try to write about things serious and mundane, to give you a flavor of what it's like in this area...

Fiber News: Part of the Problem?

This article (link is below) sounds like ho hum normal news regarding Fiber. Honestly, would you even read this article? "Fiber keeps you healthier longer," yaddie yaddah, heard that already grand pa, and yes I do know that I need to eat fiber cause you've told me since 1974....

Dirty Dozen: The 12 Fruits And Vegetables With The Most Pesticides

Could an apple a day really keep the doctor away? Maybe — but what if it is also coated in pesticides?!?! Check out this video report by the Newsy Group Organization.Today, the Environmental Working Group, an advocacy nonprofit, released its latest “Dirty Dozen” list of the 12 fruits and vegetables that are most...

Doctors Tell Doctors Not To Be So Pill Happy

U.S. doctors are too quick to reach for their prescription pads, according to a new report urging them to think more about side effects and non-drug alternatives. “Instead of the latest and greatest, we want fewer and more time-tested drugs,” said Dr. Gordon Schiff, associate director of the Center...

RadioWill: IS this the Dumbest Headline of the Week?

Acupuncture … does it help alleviate PMS symptoms?? The article says that the data are SHAKY!!  It reports on a recent science study, BUT, when you wade in past the headlines, the body of the article gets a little stupid.  Click Here To Listen To The Clip For more information:...

RadioWill: Follow My Sailing Vacation Blog

Starting this Thursday, I’m going on vacation to Sardinia  — without whales cresting over my mast I hope!! I talk about that here on the radio show.  Click Here To ListenI’ll be showing pictures, talking about the food, and the process of being out on the water for 3...

RadioWill: Was the Dusty Showers Interview Underwhelming?

This guy is a HUGE advocate for breast cancer awareness, prevention, and treatment. Click here to listen to the audio from my radio show from this weekend.  But honestly? I found his STORY better than his interview. This IDEA of what he’s doing is very media-attractive, but I was a little...