Category: Articles

Kanso: The Japanese Principle for Mental Detox

Sometimes your heart is heavy with the weight of responsibilities piled onto your plate. Sometimes your mind is overwhelmed by the class-5 rapids of daily to-dos in your day. Sometime even the lightness of your heart can darken from the clouds of 24/7 news, delivering traumas and dramas every...


Over-extend yourself  in love or work or hobby or [fill in the blank]  and the imbalance tilts you off your center stealing your calm as you teeter to regain your balance. ...

January is 2 Things

January’s not just a month, it’s a launching pad for our annual quixotic resolutions to get our physical selves back on track after the month-long party palooza of December. Drop weight, get fit, and well just be a better person, would ya? But January is also mental health awareness...

A living meditation

Remove the unnecessary, and you’re left with the things you truly need. Without the mental and emotional clutter. Just living your life in that space becomes a daily meditation. ...

Nice Matters

This quick-vid takes on the “nice guys finish last” belief, because …  To care and be kind are not character flaws that hold you back. (share with a friend, if it makes sense to do) hashtag#kindnessmatters hashtag#mentalhealth...

Roasted Winter Root Veg

Winter is a perfect time for the veg you may normally “turnip” your nose at, but nothing “beets” their savory loveliness, especially when it pops right out of the oven.    One more dose of awesome sauce about this recipe is that any root veggies can work. Sweet potatoes...

Proof of a Mind-Gut Connection?

This article from the Harvard School of Public Health is pretty amazing actually. We know that the human gut microbiome has a significant impact on our health. But not just our physical health, our mental and emotional health too! This research took this new understanding a step further by...

Sitting All Day? Here’s How To Counter The Health Effects.

The Bad News They say that, for your health, “sitting is the new smoking”. If that’s true, we’re hit with some bad news right up front. Although you can quit smoking, you still have to show up at work, and some people are practically chained to their desks for...

The Coffee Experience: More Than Mere Molecules

Let’s just start with what we know. People love love love their coffee — Americans drink an average of 400 Million cups per day.  But why is that?  Explanations range from the fact that people are going for the caffeine jolt, to the possibility that we’re all addicted to...

Notice Anything Odd About This Pic?

The picture is upside down. Crazy right? And now you have to look at it again. And some of you are turning heads or (smarter) your laptops upside down just to see what it looks like “right side up”, LOL. The thing is, every time we look at anything...

The #1 Way To Spritz Yourself With Happy Brain Chemicals

In my former life as a neuroscientist, I would stimulate specific areas of the brain to map the behaviors stored within its neuronal networks. Others have more extensively explored regions that control all aspects of behavior: movement, speech (speaking it, and understanding it), feelings, memories, even religious spirituality (link:...

Laughter. It’s No Laughing Matter.

Funnily enough, scientists study laughter now. A lot. And one of the key findings is that laughter has a buffering effect on mental and emotional struggles like Burnout and even PTSD! In other words, laughter helps you to distance yourself emotionally from the stressful event(s) that just happened. When...