Category: Articles

Extra weight making you crazy? That’s truer than you think: Reuters

Carrying around extra pounds during middle age was associated with a higher risk of dementia later in life in a new study that followed twins in Sweden for 30 years. This wasn’t a subtle effect either. Being overweight increased the likelihood of later life dementia by about 80%.  Dr. Weili Xu,...

Don’t Forget To Remember The New Alzheimers Definitions: CNN

3 stages of Alzheimer’s disease introduced: CNN  Alzheimer’s disease begins long before family and friends notice differences in the patient’s memory and behavior, doctors who treat the condition said Monday. By the time an official diagnosis is made, the person’s function is usually significantly impaired and treatment rarely helps....

12 Dirty Supplement To Avoid: Consumer Reports Health

Did you read this? CNN reported that, NOW, over 1/2 of Americans are taking supplements.  That is amazing to me. Half!! And how does this make sense to anyone on Earth?  Consumer Reports lists the 12 supplements that you should avoid the most. I’m going to tell you that...

Low-fat dairy doesn’t help kids drop pounds: study | Reuters

Kids who swap out regular dairy products for low-fat varieties consume less saturated fat but don’t seem to lose weight, according to Australian researchers. They found neither weight nor body mass index (BMI) had changed noticeably six months after children switched to low- or reduced-fat dairy products. Instead of...

Eggs Are Actually Good for You: Will Clower Interview

Dr Clower was interviewed this morning on KDKA to speak to the healthy nature of eggs, and what do you do with them, now that Easter has passed and we have all these left over eggs, hanging about.  Just prepare to forget what everyone told you about how awful...

Top Ten Reasons Eggs Are Good For You!

Easter happened, and many people are now awash in Easter eggs, bright of blue, yellow, and green. Very cool colors, but just as many of us wring out hands over the simple egg. Is it good for us? What about cholesterol? Should I eat a boxed egg substitute?  Pu-leeeese. ...

Guess Who Is The Largest Fast Food Chain Now

Good News!! McDonald’s is no longer the world’s largest restaurant chain. That honor now goes to Subway. Of course, there are items at Subway that you should avoid (like the monster Meatball and Cheese sub) … and there are things at a McDonalds that are not bad for you...

CafeWell: This is kind of like, Wellness 2.0

I’m working with these guys on a project called CafeWell. It’s really awesome because it breaks new ground on corporate wellness. You know how the idea of “Web 2.0” fundamentally changed the internet from a huge electronic database of information glut overload … into an interactive medium where people can...

Show Notes: Foods That Contain “Good Bacteria”

We hear about probiotic foods … and good bacteria that help out your gut … but what ARE those foods and where do you find them?  [I’m talking about this today on my radio show, Saturdays at noon. You can listen live by clicking here.] Yogurt Yogurt is one...

Show Notes: Bacteria Are Like Darth Vader

Remember when life was simple? Cholesterol was bad for you, fats were bad for you, bacteria were bad for you. [Saturday at noon EST, on the radio show: listen live by clicking here]Now we look at them like the modern day villains of the screen — bad, okay, but mainly just misunderstood....

Alzheimers Research: Pills? No; Mediterranean Diet? Yes.

Alzheimer’s research is continuing — that’s one bright side we can take from the mixed Alzheimer’s news this week.  But the negative news was truly disheartening. A commonly prescribed drug to treat moderate to severe Alzheimer’s was found ineffective for mild cases. Memantine, brand name Namenda, doesn’t appear to slow memory loss any better than a...

Expensive Pee: Folic Acid Supplements Fail Again

In another blow to the notion that B vitamin supplements ward off heart problems, a new clinical trial finds that folic acid supplements may not slow plaque buildup in healthy older adults’ arteries. FOODS with B vitamins like folate, however, do in fact help your heart and lower your...