This week … it’s all about your heart. Exercise good for heart and mind.
Consistent lifelong exercise preserves heart muscle in the elderly to levels that match or even exceed that of healthy young sedentary people, a surprising finding that underscores the value of regular exercise training, according to a new study. The first study to evaluate the effects of varying levels of...
This week … it’s all about your heart. If depression doesn’t get you, meds for depression will.
Middle-age men who use antidepressants are more likely to have a narrowing of blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes, than those who do not use the medications, according to a study presented on Saturday. A study of twins found evidence of atherosclerosis, as measured by...
This week … its all about your heart. Post-Katrina Stress a hurricane for your heart?
New Orleans residents were found to have three times the rate of heart attacks four years after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina than before the storm and levee break that flooded the city, according to a study presented at a major heart meeting on Sunday. The three-fold increase had...
This week … It’s all about your heart: Can Yoga Help? Study.
Yoga, already proven to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, can cut in half the risk of a common and potentially dangerous irregular heartbeat, according to a U.S. study released on Saturday. The small study was the first to examine the benefits of yoga on atrial fibrillation —...
Sushi okay for your heart: Study
American adults’ exposure to mercury from sources such as fish is not linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, suggests a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Health officials have long advised consumers to balance the benefits of eating fish, and particularly omega-3 rich oily fish,...
Radio Show Today: HCG is a scam
On my radio program today (wmny, Saturdays at noon), I’m talking with Dr Pieter Cohen about the HCG diet. It is amazing what people will do to themselves, and what they will believe, to lose weight. HCG is a pregnancy placenta hormone Human chorionic gonadotropin or human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is a pregnancy hormone...
Weight gain increases with added sugars intake, data suggests
Weight gain increases with added sugars intake, data suggests Trends in weight gain have paralleled trends in intake of added sugars, according to a review of 27 years of Minnesota Heart Survey data presented at an American Heart Association (AHA) event. The researchers, from the University of Minnesota in...
Are Farm Raised Fish Good For You? See the VIDEO w Dr Clower
We are eating more fish than ever. But it’s confusing, too, with SOME reports telling how heart-healthy they are … and OTHER reports telling you how this “Chicken of the Sea” harbors the PCB pesticides that are absolutely terrible for you!! How are we supposed to know?? Even though this interview (below)...
Do multi-vitamins stop cancer, heart attacks? This Study Answers That Question.
Will taking multivitamins protect you from dying of cancer or heart disease? The answer is no, according to new research. In a study of more than 180,000 people, scientists saw the same number of deaths from cancer and heart disease among multivitamin-takers and those who did not take the...
Worried About Japan Food Radiation? Don’t Eat The Chrysanthemums!
I read the Reuters headline in shock: WHO warns of “serious” food radiation in disaster-hit Japan This is a level-headed news source, not prone to the kind of deceptive sensationalism you see on other outlets that over-hype everything (Huffington Post is an unfortunate one). But in this case, about...
Mayo Clinic Weighs in on the Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean diet has been in the news a lot lately, and now our mainstream health stake-holders are weighing in on the plan. Below is a brief summary put together by this group. Bottom line? The Mediterranean diet is a heart-healthy eating plan combining elements of Mediterranean-style cooking. Here’s...
Fortified Foods Make Us UN-Healthier? Here’s what the study says.
Let’s just say that you have a hand full of sugar and synthetic dyes. This, of course, is awful for your health. Don’t eat that. But then, what if you dissolved a multi-vitamin in it (which, on its own, abstracted from the context of food, does little to boost...