What does it mean that “Fish consumption hits all time high”?
Global fish consumption has reached its highest ever level of about 17 kg per person on average, supplying more than 3bn people with at least 15 per cent of their average animal protein intake, according to a new report from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). That’s huge! Most...
General Mills ad slogan are ‘Now Even Better’
The company that told you its Lucky Charms cereal was a “Smart Choice” — see the handy CHECK MARK right on the top of the box — even though this product is 41% sugar by weight, has a new ad slogan out. By the way, General Mills was forced to...
Headline Fail: High Fiber Diets and Death: Reuters
Here’s what we read: “People who eat a lot of fiber every day might be less likely to die prematurely from a range of illnesses — including heart disease, cancer, and infection — a new study suggests.” The benefits of fiber in promoting weight loss, lowering cholesterol, and...
Calories on menus don’t affect kids’ food choices | Reuters
Requiring fast-food restaurants in New York City to post calorie counts on menus did little to cut the number of calories children and teens consumed, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday. They found that children and adolescents noticed the calories posted on the menu but the calorie counts made little...
Smoking explains why Americans don’t live longer | Reuters
(Reuters) – Smoking and, to a smaller degree, obesity explain why Americans do not live as long as the French or Japanese, U.S. experts reported on Tuesday. Even though just 20 percent of Americans smoke now, more than 40 percent of U.S. adults smoked in 1960 and the population...
CNN Money: Starbucks to roll out 31-ounce drink: the Trenta
(CNNMoney) — Starbucks will offer a new plus-sized iced drink beginning this week. The “Trenta” will be 31 ounces — one ounce shy of a quart — and available for iced coffee, Tazo shaken iced tea and iced tea lemonade. Starbucks is rolling out the Trenta in 14 states...
Do video games fuel mental health problems? | Reuters
(Reuters Health) – There might be trouble brewing behind the glassy eyes of kids who spend too much time and energy on video games, according to a controversial new study. In the 2-year study of more than 3,000 school children in Singapore, researchers found nearly one in ten were...
Program Helps Childhood Obesity
We really can have an impact on childhood obesity. In a recent intensive obesity program, kids were able to slim down and maintain a healthier weight a year after it ended. The trick is to make sure the effect lasts beyond the tenure of the program itself. Once they...
The Chemistry of Love, Sex, and Chocolate: Radio Program Posted
The Radio Show from this weekend had a great guest, talking about the chemistry that goes on in your brain and body in association with amorous feelings and, of course, chocolate. It’s Valentines Day after all. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE SHOW Would love to get your thoughts on...
UPDATED: Cheesy CSPI Theory Killed by This Analysis (data table added)
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has said that cheese is killing us. They told us to stop, stop, stop, because the saturated fats are contributing to thousands of heart deaths every year!! So I did this analysis to test it out. I plotted a comparison of...
Radio Show: Prevent Winter Injuries, Love Found in Brain Scans
For those of you who missed the show this Saturday, here is the link.http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-139/TS-442680.mp3 I talked with “the PhD of running shoes”, Kevin Smith about avoiding injuries in winter weather. We learned about brain scans that revealed whether love stays through old age. We also talked about the most...
Interview: Inside the mind of Jared Loughner
Interview Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyjsc70Mdp4 What happens in a brain like this? How can we prevent it? How is it that a person like Gabrielle Giffords suffer a gunshot through the head … and not only survive, but recover the movement of her limbs? This interview explores both neuroscience and brain pychology....