Category: Articles

Shaky evidence behind massage therapy for autism

Massage has become a fairly popular alternative therapy for autism, but there is only limited evidence suggesting it is helpful, a new research review shows. Researchers say some studies did find benefits — for instance in language and social skills — but small patient samples and other problems make...

VIDEO: Get Your Fad Diet Flu Shot

Every year it’s the same!! The newest, new REVOLUTIONARY approach, from some new diet guru invites us to magically shed pounds with their wicked-cool fad diet.  (please share this video with anyone who is thinking about dieting!) But how do you take your fad diet flu shot? How do you inoculate yourself...

Another FAIL in the search for Cure For The Common Cold

Americans spend billions on over-the-counter pills, drops, sprays and other concoctions to battle  runny noses, scratchy throats and nagging coughs.  (please share this with anyone who is sniffling!)  We have been told that Echinacea helps your immune system fight infections. However, the largest study of more than 700 adults and children...

When Doctors Make It Worse (and this happens all the time)

More is not better. In fact, more makes it worse in the case of drug interactions.  (please share this with some Chronic Pill Taker you know) Think about it. How does one drug interact with a second drug inside your body? Hmm? You don’t know, and neither do the docs...

Is YOUR city water over the Chromium 6 limit? Check the city list here.

Remember the Erin Brockovich movie, with Julia Roberts? At issue was that Chromium 6 had gotten into the water supply and was causing rampant cancer. (please forward to anyone drinks tap water) It turns out that many cities have this in their tap water!! Read the entire study by the Environmental Working Group. When...

Does lunch in front of a computer make us eat more?

The answer is YES, and here’s why.Mindless, distracted eating creates overconsumption. For years, people have noticed how (in healthy cultures) their focus on the food itself helps to improve both the quality (it goes up) and the quantity (it goes down) of the food consumed.  Now, researchers have found that...

Good News/Bad News: Heart Disease Deaths WAY down

When it comes to your heart, we’re really good at treatment … but have a long way to go at prevention.  (please share this with anyone with a family history of heart disease) We have the best mechanics on Earth, who can unclog your pipes, tune up your valves,...