Category: Articles


This is a pic of my car clock. No, I'm not coming home from a party; I'm not banished to the car for some marital reason; and I'm definitely not texting while driving. I'm the dad, right? So I get to pick up my daughter from a school trip...

Really Expensive Pee: Buyer Beware

Dietary Supplements (a.k.a., “really expensive pee”) are so commonly spiked with ingredients that aren’t even on the label, that the FDA has put them on notice.  (please forward this to anyone who takes “really expensive pee”)   Here’s the problem. Over 300 cases of those supplements that you buy because...

Obesity: Is It About Poverty or Education?

We are in a race between education and disaster. (please share this with anyone who thinks education is NOT the answer)It’s true for our politics, for our society, and for our health. Here’s the bottom line from research from  the National Center for Health Statistics: education is more consistently related to obesity...

Good News! FDA: It’s now safe to dump your Sweet-n-Low down the drain

Saccharine — the synthetic sweetener of Sweet-n-Low — has always been considered a potential carcinogen BUT, and I did not know this, also an environmental hazard! (please share this with any who still consume synthetic sweeteners of any stripe) Just recently, however, the “Calorie Control Council” petitioned the Environmental Protection...

FDA Deflates Male Enhancement Claims

FDA warns consumers to avoid sexual enhancement pills (please share this with anyone who might consider this particular brand of crazy) The Food and Drug Administration is warning men who take Man Up Now capsules to stop taking them immediately.   The supplement contains a variation of an active ingredient found in Viagra that can lower blood pressure...

Rent-a-Mom — Breast Milk Sharing Over the Internet.

I’ve contacted the the FDA-approved milk-banks as well as the largest breast milk sharing sites to be on my radio program to talk about the pros and cons. Would love to get your thoughts now, and this Saturday!!(please share this with moms, or someone who knows a mom … or...

What’s good for the heart is also good for your BRAIN!!

“In addition to being good for the heart, high levels of HDL … the ‘good’ cholesterol … may protect against Alzheimer’s disease, U.S. researchers said on Monday. (please share this with someone who happens to have both a heart AND a brain!!)  They found people over 65 who had the...

Can chess check-mate Alzheimer’s?

It’s not about CHESS itself. Don’t get me wrong, I like chess. I am, admittedly, awful at it, but I like it anyway. Pathetic, really. Kind of strange to like something that you’re totally terrible at … like watching a dancer who is the only one on planet Earth who enjoys...

VIDEO: Frosted Chocolate Covered Sugar Bomb Cereals

This video from CNN reports on the new research on the sugary cereals that contribute to overweight, obesity, and early-onset diabetes in kids. (please share this with someone who eats Sugar Smacks, Fruit Loops, Frosted Flakes, and the like)  Here’s what they found… and this is just crazy, I know, but...

Challenge the Dogma: Should kids eat breakfast?

Here’s what we’re told about our kids. Skipping breakfast could lead them to overeat at later meals, and eventually pack on extra pounds.  (please forward this to a parent of school-aged kids)  Does this even make sense?It sounds like someone’s selling the “spending to save” idea, but for kids!! In...

Ten Worst Drug Recalls in FDA History

We are a pill culture. Your doctor is more likely trust meds to solve your health issues than to A) do nothing and allow your body to heal itself, or B) coach you to change your behavior. Of course, there are times when drugs are necessary. But when you look...