WHAT? Low fat diets could increase heart disease?
Could it be true? Has all our coaching to eat low fat foods (in order to save our hearts) actually put us at a greater risk?! Chair of the Harvard School of Public Health’s nutrition department Dr. Walter Willett is emphatic: “If anything, the literature shows a slight advantage of the...
The Thanksgiving Miracle Molecule
Need a rule to follow? Eat orange foods, live a long life. WHY, you ask? According to this massive 14-year study researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), having more of the carotenoid alpha-carotene may reduce the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, and all...
Do NOT Drink From These Tainted Glasses
It’s happened again. In June, McDonald’s recalled 12 million glasses designed to promote the latest Shrek movie after painted designs on them were found to contain small amounts of cadmium. The potential danger that the cadmium can leach from the paint on to a child’s hand, and make it’s...
The BEST holiday: Thanksgiving or Christmas?
Read this article to find out what’s right and what’s missing. I want to get your thoughts … write me to let me know what you think. Click here for the article. Please share this article with your friends. For more information: Click here to visit Will Clower’s website....
Our First Thanksgiving Proclamation: June 20, 1676
The First Thanksgiving Proclamation (June 20, 1676) On June 20, 1676, the governing council of Charlestown, Massachusetts, held a meeting to determine how best to express thanks for the good fortune that had seen their community securely established. By unanimous vote they instructed Edward Rawson, the clerk, to proclaim...
Pig Parts and Turkeys: A Thanksgiving Tale From France
This story relates one of our most interesting experiences of living in France, dealing with the food … and especially with the butcher at Thanksgiving. ARTICLE: Pig Parts and Turkeys: A Thanksgiving Tale From France Please share this with your friends. For more information: Click here to visit...
Radio Program Contents For SUNDAY (Noon EST)
Today on the show, I’ll be on Ustream.tv talking about this stuff below. You can call to give me your 2Cents: 412.333.1360 Red Wine Headache and migraines San Fran proposes BAN on male circumcision … What’s the diff between female and male circumcision? Talking Turkey and T-Day w Nancy...
How to Feel Better in Two Minutes
When I say “Feel Better in Two Minutes”, I don’t want you to think this is a power pill or insta-cure, because kinds of magic pills are dumb, and that’s not what I’m talking about. Here’s the dealThere are simple remedies to the chronic aches we all face every day,...
How to Stay Sharp as Your Brain Ages
The message here is to engage in your world … play, think, read, talk … engage!! Yes, physical exercise is brain exercise; yes, mental puzzles are brain calisthenics. But if you’re looking for a standard rule to apply, it’s to engage in your world. Sometimes we want to “put...
When Colors Have Smells and Numbers Have Sex
The brain is a funny place. This condition, called “Synesthesia”, involves the interposition of senses that are normally separate. There are reports of these people, called Synesthetes, who literally feel colors, but also can taste them, and hear them, and smell them. If they get a paper cut, they might see...
Can food additives affect ADHD?
It’s hard to imagine that artificial, synthetic food additives could actually be good for you. And, if someone said to you that “food additives can impact ADHD”, would you be surprised? Really? Well, a recent study published in The Lancet found that a mixture of four artificial food colors...
Exercises To Keep You Fit From 9 to 5 (PHOTOS)
It can be tough to get enough activity in a work environment. Especially if you’re in a cubicle or otherwise tied to a terminal or desk. I was working with employees at an AT&T call center, and they literally couldn’t move from their computers. That was a challenging environment,...