Category: Articles

Why Heart Disease Is Treated Like a Boys’ Club

It’s very clear that medicine goes through trends, fads, and habitual behaviors, just like every other facet of our culture: from bell bottoms, big hair, and break dancing, to margarine, Egg Beaters, and ice pick lobotomies. They appear, play out for a while, and we finally trade them in...

Need Rehab for a Bypass? Have a drink.

According to this study, people who had heart bypass surgery and consumed about two drinks a day afterward had fewer subsequent cardiovascular procedures than those who abstained. They topped the tea-totalers in health!! In fact, light alcohol consumption was associated with a 25% reduction in additional heart procedures, heart attacks...

Radio Program Tomorrow 11:00am Eastern

The Halloween edition of our show is [shocking, I know] on Halloween!! We’ll talk about tricks, treats, and our special guest is a director of the Action For Health Kids nationwide organization, started by Laura Bush and Surgeon General David Satcher. TIME: 11:00am to noon on Oct 31. PLACE: Click...

Health fair today

I'm speaking at this health fair, and have a little table. I feel so home-made, ad hoc, seat-o-the-pants with my table presentation. Ever other table is selling a million things and are clearly pros at this. I'm just a guy with info and data and a process for living...

Aspirin versus Coffee? The bowels of a gut reaction

Coffee consumption reduces colon cancer, and it doesn’t matter if its caffeinated or not (… if you’re anal retentive about your colon cancer, check out the study cited below). But, a new study is touting high doses of aspirin as a way to accomplish the very same thing. So. Aspirin...

Which Country Walks MORE than U.S.?

The question is actually … which country walks LESS than us?? Not many, that’s for sure.  Adults in western Australia average 9,695 steps a day. The Swiss followed with 9,650, while the Japanese clocked in with 7,168 steps. But Americans straggled far behind with just 5,117 steps.The drive-not-walk mentality has...

HRT drugs –> breast cancer deaths

Is it worth it? I don’t know. Let’s just run through the logic: 1. IF you take Hormone Replacement Therapy, you boost your chances of getting ovarian and breast cancer. Why would you do that? 2. NOW, we learn that IF you take HRT, the cancer you do get...

Don’t Shrink-Wrap Your Brain

Whatever you do, DON’T shrink your brain!! Nearly 300 people in Pittsburgh kept track of how much they walked each week. After nine years of this, scientists took brain scans to measure their brain volume. After four more years, they tested to see if anyone in the study had...

To Stent Or Not To Stent

Got a blocked artery? Oops. Now what? You may have heard about docs using stents to open up the pipes, but there are two study-of-studies that don’t look good for this procedure. SYNTAX Study (New England Journal of Medicine) 1,800 patients. The arteries feeding blood to their heart muscle...