Category: Articles

Cancer Fighting Foods (Video)

I was on KDKA-TV this morning, talking with my friend Jon Burnett about cancer fighting foods: 1. What they are … 2. What makes them so healthy … 3. And why the colors are so important. Hope you enjoy. Please share this with your friends!! Will For more information:...

Airport Hell

Liat Airlines is awful. Just awful. The flight to Grenada is delayed, so we will be a bit late for our St Vincent connector, which they refuse to hold for us. We are told that there is no way out. So we are getting a flight to Barbados then...

Soul food Grenada

This is not throw up. It was our lunch yesterday at a wonderful local restaurant. I had pumpkin, callaloo (their version of spinach), and a goat curry. It was brilliant, included a Carib beer, and cost me a whopping 10$. Always eat where the locals eat!! This is what...

Looking home

This pic (below) is from the Dodgy Dock restaurant at the resort. It has decent food, but this is our last morning here!! Woot!! Hurricane Earl turned north, Fiona was tailgating Earl and because of thy has become diffuse and disorganized. Today: puddle jump from Grenada to San Juan...

Chocolate and rum

No flights northbound today. We are stuck here until tomorrow. So, to compensate for this delay, we are going to take a tour of the island, including a rum factory and a chocolate making plant. We were told that seeing the rum plant may be a bit like watching...

Could be worse

500 people were stranded in the San Juan Airport last night as a result of hurricane Earl. Im really glad we did not make it out of here (away from this cushy resort with its soft beds and handy rum drinks by the True Blue bay) last night. Sleeping...

Stuck in Grenada

This is the airport in Grenada. We were just "infarmed dat dey don't fly no plane to deh nort today. Due to deh hurracane, you know." So we are here until the storm clears out....

Heading home

Zero clouds, negligible winds. So, we are motoring from Sandy Island back to the southern tip of Grenada. Auto-Pilot rules!! Got up at 5:30, slipped off the mooring ball, started motoring South West, and we be back in port by 2:00. We will check back in, pack out things...

Inadvertent foot salad

This is crazy. Okay, first of all, we start w olive oil. To protect my skin, I put olive oil on every day. Especially here, where you can suffer so much skin damage, it's critical. I applied it all over, just this morning. Then, inspired to take a morning...


I kinda like it when we have leftovers because it requires a bit of creativity! Last evening, we had leftover pork chops, the remains of the cous cous, the tail end of a bottle of white wine, and half of an onion. So I threw some olive oil in...


I'm sitting beneath this little palm frond umbrella as I type. The wind is about 10 kts and quote cool in this, the only shade on the exposed 30 yd long x 10 yd wide sand spit. How this doesn't just wash away, I don't know. Mopion is also...


These snapper had been caught just a couple of hours before, by Danny the boat vendor and his 14 yr old son. Check the clarity of the eyes — that's the only way to assess freshness. We put them in foil, w butter, white balsamic vinegar, thyme, S&P, and...