Category: Articles

Mugged by Jenny

On Union Island, there's a great collection of produce stands (see pic below), and they are all right beside each other. Each is run by a woman: there's one Jenny, and a slew of vendors named Kathy. Here's what I learned about the rules of market economics, a la...

Morning coffee

I love my morning coffee. If I don't have another cup all day, it doesn't matter once I've sat and lingered over this first morning Joe. At home, this ritual is called "couch time" and is great for slowly bringing in the new day. Out here, alas, there is...

Boat stove

This is my little stove. I basically never ever bake anything, because it's dang hot enough already! It lives on a gimbal, which is a pin that let's the whole thing pivot when the boat rocks. Neat. It let's you cook even when it's bouncy. Tonight is my daughters...

Stress wounds

Stress is a self inflicted wound that starts with the prick, jab, or slice of life events that assail us every day. But the long term consequence, of any challenge that gets inside us, is welter, fester, and sepsis. But the quiet cadence of the gently rocking boat drains...

Buying Local

This is Walter, who boats out bread, pain chocolat, and baguettes that his wife makes on the main island. He'll also bring you fruit/veg from the stand back on Union Island. Walter, I think, has always been here, and he was our friend 3 years ago when we were...


This is their hurricane season. Right now. Exactly while we are here. So why would two otherwise sane individuals choose, on purpose, to sail here … NOW?? This area is so far south that hurricanes rarely ever hit. Besides Ivan in 2005(?), the last one before that was Jane...

BBQ fail

Meant to BBQ the chicken last night, but the fates conspired against us:Dropped the dang grill to the bottom, so had to go for an ear popping dive to rescue it. The folks who provisioned for us did not see fit to include the lighter fluid. Nice. We tried...


Okay, Tyrrel Bay (the place we stayed last night) was a pit compared to Hillsborough. This place is gorgeous. There's a little spit of land inside this pristine bay called, aptly, Sandy Island. Perfect for stroll or snorkel. More Lost-like showers last night, that start, deluge for a while...


Had leftovers last night: jerk fish, bacon wrapped pork loin w goat cheese and mango chutney on top. The gingered carrots were awesome. This morning is yogurt and muslix. This after noon, though, we are heading across to Hillsborough (a bigger town) where they have a fresh market and...


Where ARE the winds?? Leaving True Blue bay at 7:30am, post-coffee, heading up the western coast of Grenada. We will get up to David Point at the top of the island, then we may actually get some wind. Right now it is dead, doldrums. By hook or crook, by...


This was part of our welcome package. Rum and coke. Who (over 22 years old) still drinks that? I just look at it and my brain cell start dying. A better (and more mature) use of the rum is in combination with pineapple juice, OJ, and fresh grated nutmeg...

Morning view

First morning, waking up to this view. I love this. The night was calm so the rocking of the boat was like a freakin' cradle. Today, can't go to the chocolate factory because they don't do tours any more. WHY?? Our cabbie on the way over here explained (read...