Category: Articles

At Lucia stop

Waiting on the ground in St. Lucia for other passengers. One more stop in St. Vincent, then on to Grenada and my bed!!...

Going on vacation

Waiting in the Atl airport for our flight to San Juan. We already travelled from Pittsburgh, at 6:00, so had to go on an emergency foraging run to Starbucks. On the plane, waiting for the 3:45 min ride. Travel wears you out … Does that make me old?...

Puberty coming earlier for U.S. girls: study | Reuters

Why? Most likely because they are overweight. Compared to the 1997 findings from girls across the U.S., girls in the current study – especially white girls – were more developed at a younger age. As previous research has shown, there were also large differences in development based on race....

Eating Bugs, Dangerous Drugs, Food Thugs

I recorded the radio program today, and we NOW HAVE VIDEO of it. Check it out here and let me know your thoughts!! For more information: Click here to visit Will Clower’s website....

Obesity pill

How many times have we heard the promises of the miracle pills that will cure our obesity epidemic? How many times have we been disappointed, or learned that this panacea causes more problems than it fixes? How long until we devote our full attention to solving a behavioral problem...

Radio Program Contents For Saturday (Noon EST)

Every Saturday, Noon Eastern. Call in #: 412.333.1360. Click Here to see the WebCam LIVE!! Tomorrow, special guest Dr Kandace McGuire will be talking with me throughout the show about the following topics: Male hormones make women forget. Surprised?? How To Sleep Away The Fat Color My World …...

Grossed out guts

If you've ever had the nasty, awful, nausea that comes from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (grossed out guts), this link is for you. If you have this condition, the first thing to consider are the various triggers that can bring it on. Check out this link to find out more....

Patriotic Duty to Eat Ice Cream

This was a fun segment I did for KDKA on picnic safety, and the “Founding Father of Food”!! For more information: Click here to visit Will Clower’s website....

Forest Bathing: The Best Immunity Boosting Pill?

It’s called, going outside or — in Japan — “forest bathing”. Read the research here. A recent study on 280 healthy people in Japan compared the stress hormones, pulse rate, AND blood pressure in 2 conditions: 1. when walking through a forest or wooded area for a few hours...

Got Statins? May Want To Give Them Back!

A study just pubbed in the Archives of Internal Medicine deals yet another blow to the blanket use of statins, and the efforts of the pharmaceutical industry to make them a public utility. Hot water, Cold Water, Electricity, Statin Pills. Here is the study, in case you need help...

2010 Dietary Guidelines … more of the same

Every five years the Dietary Guidelines for Americans are revised, but after two years’ work on the 2010 draft document, we’re back to pretty much where we were five years ago. And not much has changed since the first guidelines were published in 1980. In fact, it would not...