Radio Program Webcam Topics
The Dr Will Clower Radio Program Click Here at 12 Noon on Saturdays To Listen Live — plus NEW Webcam! Topics This Week: 1. 101 Great BBQ Ideas!! 2. Sleep Off Your Weight? Really? 3. Twist in HealthCare Law Suit. Governors DEFEND it! 4. Picnic Safety. 5. America’s FIRST...
Stunning Exercise Science Conclusion: Men Are NOT Women
News Flash: Guys are fundamentally different from Girls. Okay, it’s not as pedestrian as it sounds. Researchers who study athletes and exercise science wanted to see if post-exercise protein actually helped “rebuild” muscles. The answer was yes, it helped the athletes a bit, after a couple of days. But...
Taking Avandia Diabetes Drug? Feeling Lucky?
Feeling lucky? An analysis of 56 clinical trials found that the diabetes drug Avandia increased the chances of a heart attack by between 28 — 39 percent!! So, roll your dice, you diabetics. Ask your doctor is increased risk of heart attack is for you. Remember, this study was...
No More Bull From Beef Industry
The Beef industry is overusing antibiotics, because that beefs up the beef. They get LARGER cattle by injecting them with too much antibiotics. The Union of Concerned Scientists estimated that 70 percent of all antibiotics sold in the United States are fed to healthy animals to promote weight gain....
English McNuggets Better Than US McNuggets
If you just have to, have to, have to eat Chicken McNuggets from McDonalds, be sure to tack on the cost of a plane ticket to London. Get this. U.S. McNuggets not only contain more calories and fat than their British counterparts, but also synthetic chemicals not found across...
Radio Program Contents For Saturday (Noon EST)
Hi everyone!! Tomorrow on the show, I’ll be ranting about the topics below … I want to know what you think!! Hey, we’re going to run the webcam tomorrow, so I will have to wear a clean shirt, shave my hairy face, and act relatively sane!! 1. Click Here...
Don’t Be A Boob. Breastfeed Your Babies
News Flash! The way humans have been nourishing their young for years, and centuries, and millennia — since we developed MAMMARY GLANDS — turns out to be the best way to nourish their young. Crazy, I know. This is something that, if you had both oars in the water,...
Dr Clower talks w a skeptical Shepherd Smith
Every year, Nickelodeon turns off the TV for 3 hours to encourage kids to get outside and play. Shepherd Smith at FOX & FRIENDS is not so sure this is going to work. He talks with Dr Will Clower about the Ins and Outs of this media mission (see...
Top 10 Most Unusual Eateries
When you’re tired of the same ole, same ole, you could stop by this Subway that is suspended in mid air! THE TOP 10 MOST UNUSUAL PLACES TO EAT Subway; New York, New York El Diablo; Timanfaya National Park, the Canary Islands The Clink; Surrey, England Yellow Treehouse; Outer...
Subway Crash … Oops.
Sorry about that Salmonella, guys. Can I give you a biggie sized drink to make it up to you? Illinois Department of Health investigators confirmed 97 cases of Salmonella Hvittingfoss infection from 28 Illinois counties. So if you live anywhere near there, and you find yourself at a subway,...
U.S. scores dead last. Again.
Nice. I don’t know about you, but I had heard over and over that the U.S. has the best healthcare system on Earth, nay, in this part of the galaxy!! This study shows the data, and says that that is just wrong. The current report uses data from nationally...
new web cam
We are trying something new!! We’ll have a webcam going during the show today, at noon Eastern. I’ll post the results (if it goes well) afterwards. Here’s the link: Talk to you soon!! Will ______________________ Join Our NEW Mediterranean Wellness Social Network Dr. Clower...