EVOO Amps Up Good Cholesterol
Okay, I have to apologize for quoting the ever-perky Rachael Ray (EVOO!! :), happy face, smiley face with an i with a heart over it ;), ooh, another perky icon!) Enough of that. The bottom line for you and me is that we need this oil in our lives,...
NUTS! How To Raise Good Cholesterol
Nuts rule. I could eat them on a boat, I could eat them with a goat, I could eat them in the rain, I could eat them on a train. Just make sure you get them only very lightly salted, and without any kind of crazy sugar or dye...
For High HDL, Get The Big O(mega-3 fatty acids)
How to raise your “good cholesterol”? Eat fatty fish. Fatty? Isn’t that bad? Nope. Not any more. Of course, it used to be bad, but that was a sad fad. So don’t be a cad, you can even ask your dad, add fatty fish to your diet. What about...
Mayo … To RAISE Your Good Cholesterol
This is from the Mayo Clinic — the 5 best foods to raise your good cholesterol. The old idea that you should lower all cholesterol, at all costs, was wrong and potentially harmful. Now we know that this HDL cholesterol actually prevents heart disease, and should be raised as...
Eat For Guinness Glory
This woman has a problem. She’s just not heavy enough. She is eating more to weigh more to become listed in The Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s heaviest living woman. Listen, she has goals, aspirations, diabetes, and she’s not letting anyone get in her way. Her...
No WAY! Burger King “chicken” tenders
How bad must they be? Really, how bad MUST they be before Burger King removes their own chicken tenders because, “the quality of the product was too poor to serve to its customers”. But was it flavor, or safety? BK also teased with the curious statement: “Food safety at...
Does The Sin Tax Work?
The short answer is, NO. This is an interesting case study from Germany, which recently imposed a specific tax on popular teen alcohol drinks in 2004. How much of a tax? They nearly doubled retail prices of the drinks in an effort to reduce consumption among their under-age drinkers....
“Gulf of Texico” Fishery Disaster Status
Saw this coming, didn’t you. The US Government is declaring the Gulf Fisheries to have disaster status. Get this. Over 1 billion pounds of fish and shellfish were harvested in 2008! That is a huge market to be shut down, and I am so sorry for those whose jobs...
What Pets Can Teach Us About Marriage
Okay, I know. This is not about “nutritional” health or “physical” health, but more about the day to day emotional health that can, in turn, cascade into longer term health problems. At the very least, this provides some food for thought (so to speak!). Dr. Suzanne Phillips suggests we...
Want Better Grades? Here’s How You Get Them
It doesn’t matter if you’re in Middle School or College … if you exercise, you make better grades. After controlling for every extraneous variable on the planet, researchers showed that exercise made a sizable difference in a student’s G.P.A. On a 4.0 grade scale, students who exercised vigorously seven...
VIDEO: Skin Cancer vs Vitamin D
Ugh. Gross picture. You couldn’t get that taken care of before it got THIS bad? VIDEO: I did this on KDKA-TV this past Friday, talking about the relative risks of sun over-exposure versus sun under-exposure. For more information: Click here to visit Will Clower’s website....
Yawn* Mediterranean diet helps existing heart disease, too | Reuters
The Mediterranean diet is the healthiest diet on Earth. This is just more data showing what we already know. But check this out: Patients with diet’s that were the closest to the Mediterranean style of eating were at 31% lower risk of suffering another heart attack or experiencing chest...