I don’t buy it. “Caffeine addicts get no perk”
British scientists report that caffeine consumers actually “get no perk” from their morning joe. I don’t buy it. It is true, as they say, that we develop a tolerance to caffeine over time. But they’re saying that “Although frequent consumers feel alerted by caffeine, evidence suggests that this is...
It’s not about the burger
Good food IS good health. That includes things like normal hamburger, or other kinds of meats (THIS hamburger, of course, has enough calories to feed Rwanda). That said, researchers from Germany, Spain and Britain who studied data on 50,000 children across the world found that kids who ate burgers...
Hope springs eternal
People buy this: literally and figuratively....
Can Sodas to Lower Blood Pressure
Got a blood pressure problem? Stop drinking sodas. I love this quote (through Reuters) from the American Heart Association, because it doesn’t mince words: “Too much sugar not only makes people fatter, but is also a key culprit in diabetes, heart disease and stroke.” The researchers pointed out that...
Meat that won’t kill you
I'm making coconut milk polenta, and have to use peppered salami in the recipe. It's nice to be able to find a brand that does NOT have the carcinogenic parts — I know, I'm so picky about my foods. Let me know if you want the recipe. It's amazing...
Topics for Dr. Will’s Radio Program Today!!
Click Here to listen LIVE today at 12:00 EST Bariatric Surgery: Where do you draw the line? Your 2 cents — when (if ever) do you think this is a good idea? Call me to comment: 412-333-1360. Crappy bacteria: Where to shop if you want a good e.Coli salad...
Conviviality Now!
This is an article by a wonderful woman, Conner Middelmann Whitney. She explores, quite thoroughly, the notion of conviviality as a HUGE missing piece to our new eating patterns. It’s also assumed in the Mediterranean traditions. Please read this and Bon Appetit!! Conviviality Now! | Psychology Today For more...
How to lower cholesterol WITHOUT killing your liver
(Reuters) – People using cholesterol-lowering statins — like Lipitor — have a higher risks of liver dysfunction, kidney failure, muscle weakness and cataracts and such side effects of the drug should be closely tracked, doctors said on Friday. Great. But I want you to take a look at OUR...
Antibiotic Overload
Too much is too much. And you and I should take an active role in making sure our doctors aren’t over-prescribing antibiotics — because WE lose in the long term!! If you want to create, on purpose, bacteria that can’t be killed by our anti-biotics, a great way to...
How to Get Your Children to Play Outdoors
I remember my mom … “Go outside, you’re driving me crazy!!” Then, we’d bolt for the door, and go hang with our friends, in the woods, in the yard, in the little swatch of woods in the back. “Playing Outside” is an indicator of how our Culture of Health...
Toxic Fruit & Veggies: “100% more risk”
Put something toxic on fruits and veggies … what did you THINK was going to happen. Researchers looked at our children to see if eating pesticides for breakfast, lunch, and dinner made those same kids more likely to develop cognitive disorders like ADHD. For me and you, it’s a...
The Bad Boys of the Meat Counter
It’s not meat, per se, that makes meat bad for you … it’s the crap they put in them to extend the shelf life. Beef … fine. Pork … fine. Lamb … fine. But you might want to think about cutting down on your Slim Jim fetish. “Processed meats...