Swine Flu
Get ready because the Swine Flu pandemic is going to hit hard this year in the US. There is a great deal of concern and misinformation about this new virus, and we should take care to know the facts. The US Government has a wonderful summary website with tons...
Debunking the Myths
When it comes to our health, it is critical to get past hyperbole and straight to the sane middle ground. We are now in a debate that is awash with misinformation, disinformation, and absurdities. The thing about this that is so frustrating is that it’s so important to get...
Here’s The Problem Millions of people – including a substantial number of the “worried well” – take a daily dose of the drug in the belief it will keep them healthy. But at a conference for leading doctors, British scientists said they have found that for healthy people taking...
What Synthetic Sweeteners Do In Your Brain
This great article was just released in the L.A. Times reporting on Brain Scans taken while people taste either normal sugar or a number of synthetic sweeteners. Here’s the bottom line: You may taste it (subjectively) as sweet, but your brain doesn’t take it (objectively) the same way. If...
Brained By Obesity
Need another reason to eat well? How about brain damage?? Obesity degrades your brain. Not only obesity, even overweight does it. What does this mean? Loosing your Gray Matter can’t be a good thing, but the study below only looked at the volume of brain tissue — not how...
The truth about weight loss drugs
Are you taking a weight loss drug? Like Xenical, Orlistat? You may be damaging your liver in the process. U.S. health officials are reviewing reports of liver injury in people who took Roche Holding AG’s weight loss drug Xenical or the over-the-counter version sold by GlaxoSmithKline. On Monday, the...
Tap water versus bottled
We always hear about debates over our water. Tap versus bottled … are we leaching plastics from our Nalgene bottled water? … because regulations for bottled water are different from tap water (USDA versus FDA) is one safer than the other? Now we have another worry. The popular weed...
Teens Sleep Better
Check this out: Athletic teens sleep better than their couch-potato peers and have fewer problems concentrating at school, a new study finds. Researchers in Switzerland asked 434 adolescents with an average age of 17 to keep a log of their sleep and daytime habits for one week. … The...
Thoughts From The Hospital
I’m in the hospital … waiting. We’ll go home, likely, this afternoon. That said, there are several Oz-like phenomena that stick out at you when you spend any time in our healthcare system. First, this is a women’s hospital and, when I’ve been dispatched to go forage for something...
US Life Expectancy
Even with our ever increasing obesity rates — which make it more likely that we’ll die of a host of illnesses — Americans are living a bit longer now. It’s not just us, other nations are increasing their life expectancy too, so this is a global phenomenon and not...
Wine and Breast Cancer
Wine is a funny thing. At one time, wine was said to be awful for you. But Italian scientists who were drinking the wine outlived everyone and so they were able to get the last word in … wine’s great for you as long as you don’t overconsume it....
Climate Change and Your Food
Have you ever listened to people rail against global warming, as if it’s a communist plot? I remember that, at first, you’d hear people say that “it’s all a hoax”. “There’s no such thing”. And, every time there was a chilly day, it would be used as proof-positive evidence...