Category: Articles

Chocolate rationale

Like we needed reasons!! That said — or ranted — this is a great summary article of the current research on our most wonderful health food. 7 Reasons To Enjoy Chocolate–Without The Guilt! Sent from my iPhone...

Nat’l relaxation day

National days are often silly, with days set aside for every bizarre thing on the planet. But this day is one we should all take to heart (literally). And make national relaxation day carry into your everyday life as well. You don’t have to be a slacker supreme, just...

Whole Foods: We sell a bunch of junk

This is a quote from the WF big boss, John Mackey. The struggling US store says it would attempt to educate in the ways of healthy eating When Whole Foods arrived in the UK two years ago it was hailed as a mecca for those determined to follow a...

Thousands of useless procedures

Back treatment for elderly works no better than a sham procedure(the link to the article is below). How could this happen? Companies with drugs and medical devices often won’t even attempt to validate their procedures and pharmeceuticals by comparing them to a placebo control. It’s just too risky in...

Conventional medicine loses?

Americans spend $34B annually for alternative medicine treatments. This amazing number tells you that people are moving away fromconventional medicine. They trust the alternative approaches more. Conventional medicine is responding to this shift in market share by trying to incorporate chiropractic, acupuncture, etc., into their treatments. That’s a...

Health Claim Free For All

The FDA is getting sued. Why? Because they have the audacity to make food products qualify their claims. If one study shows positive results, but 20 studies show negative results, the product makers want to be able to tout the health benefits — even though there are negative data...

Organic, yes. But is it healthier?

Now what? Now that we’ve all accepted the fact that we have to eat organic food to be healthier, a HUGE review of all the studies EVER done has concluded that organic and conventionally produced foods have about the same nutrient content. Great. All that money for $22/pound salmon,...

Stevia the Holy Grail of Sweeteners?

Yes, Stevia is derived from a plant, but so was ephedra (ma huang) — which contributed to heart valve problems. Yes it is GRAS (generally recognized as safe), but so is Aspartame. This article comes from a very food industry perspective. And, for them, Stevia may really be the...

Giving Statins to Kids

If you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. If you have a drug, everyone looks like a user (including, it seems, our children). Check out this article just released this morning, which ponders whether cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins should be given to children. Welcome to our Culture...