Category: Articles

Obama Full Court Press on Healthcare Reform

Obama applies Full Court Press to pass healthcare reform. Bush tried that on Soc Sec reform and lost big. He’s walking a fine line and needs to find a middle ground before the internal bickering and hand wringing grind progress to a halt. President Is Set to ‘Take the...

New Starbucks sandwiches

These things stay in that case all DAY. Makes you wonder when they were actually make and, given that they seem to have such a long shelf life, what they're made with....

They obstruct

Top Republican: Health care overhaul too drastic I want to know what their solution is. Sent from my iPhone...

My fmrs Mkt

This is my market. There is a rugby scrum around the veggies. Another reason to love Fridays!!...

Friday Afternoon

Heading to my Farmers Mkt. to get bread, smked salmon, salsa, and veggies. Here is the link … support YOUR local fmrs mkt!! It’s good for everyone. Find YOUR local Fmrs Mkt here:

Starbucks Serving Beer?

The starbucks company is going to start serving beer and wine. What will that mean for states like PA, that requires you to go to a separate beer store — where you can only buy beer if you buy it by the case, and a separate wine store??...

Summer time

I love this time of year. It's about being outside, eating olives and fresh cherries on the porch, and relaxing just a bit more that you normally might. This is a shot outside of my front door....

The “Heart” Affects The Heart

Two new studies show that problems with the mind can play a significant role in problems of the heart. Anxiety and depression can increase the incidence of angina, the chest pain that sends many people to the doctor, said Dr. Mark Sullivan, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at...

FDA: Acetoninophen can kill the liver

This article looks at the whole issue of prescription meds — it was shocking to read that acetominophen from things like Tylenol are the #1 cause of liver disease!! Incredible. FDA weighs options to reduce painkiller overdoses Sent from my iPhone...

Article healthcare costs

Key senator says $1 trillion health bill possible Sent from my iPhone...