Mediterranean Diet For Life
The Mediterranean Diet does it again. This time, being linked to a longer healthier life. Researchers at the University of Athens Medical School looked at the eating habits of more than 23,000 Greeks. They found that consuming vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes and olive oil, keeping alcohol intake moderate and...
Eat Right, Live Longer
There is a new drug that can lower their risk of death by up to 25 percent over a 10-year period. This pharmacy phenom is called … eating well, just like your mother said. Here is the full article from HHS. Information from a National Institutes of Health/AARP database...
Healthcare Costs
There is an inflection point. A moment when we are driven more by avoiding the pain of the costs than fear of changing things. This article articulates what is at stake for us in the healthcare debate. That we are slow to change is a good thing, in a...
Healthcare Reform: The basics
The times, they are a’changing. Whether you’re on the right or left or somewhere in the middle, you’ve probably got an opinion on the coming changes that we can expect to our healthcare system. This is a great summary from The part I like the best is that...
One-A-Day False Claims
WASHINGTON (AP) — A consumer advocacy group on Thursday threatened to sue Bayer Healthcare if it continues to claim its One-A-Day vitamins for men reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The Center for Science in the Public Interest says the company’s ubiquitous TV and radio ads misleadingly claim that...
Product recall
FDA says Zicam nasal spray can cause loss of smell Sent from my iPhone...
Keep Your Testosterone Up
“Macho macho man … I want to be, a macho man”. Those of you as ancient as I am, recognize this funny song of the 70’s. It turns out that keeping your macho nature in tact, by preventing plumetting testosterone levels, can be affected by your food. Of course,...
Health Claims Exposed … the data are IN
Ten years ago the government set out to test herbal and other alternative health remedies to find the ones that work. After spending $2.5 billion, the disappointing answer seems to be that almost none of them do. Echinacea for colds. Ginkgo biloba for memory. Glucosamine and chondroitin for arthritis....
RadioWill Sin Tax?
Should we tax soda? Should we tax hydrogenated oils? To what extent does this make sense? My radio show starts tomorrow!! I’ll be speaking about this and many more health related items, on my show, Tues from 5-6pm EST. Call in and let me hear from you:(412) 333-1360 Listen...
RadioWill Alternative Medicine
I want to talk for just a second about the distinction between “conventional medicine” and “alternitive medicine”. More importantly for you … what does it mean, and how do you know what to do? Here is the link to the audio … Looking forward to your thoughts,Will...
Alternative Medicine Infiltrates Conventional Medicine
The more important question is … why? What is it that conventional medicine is lacking, such that alternative medicine can step in and offer a solution? We can talk all day about the merits of acupunction versus crystals versus chiropractic versus aromatherapy or homeopathy … but conventional medicine is...
Aping Laughter
Laughter is a serious subject. Really. In fact, this article shows us that laughter is kind of like language. It is one of the traits uniquely shared by we advanced primates (chimps, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans). And … I’m just thinking here … if the ability to let out...