Our Kids Need The 3 R’s … Plus 1!!
Remember Recess? For those of us “of a certain age”, recess at school was a normal part of the day. This practice, however, has been phased out slowly and steadily over the years. Now, new research suggests that play (and “down time”) may be as important to a child’s...
Great article on RAW milk cheeses
Rogue Creamery leads American cheeses to Europe http://m.apnews.com/ap/db_7738/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=sLKFtU6r Sent from my iPhone...
Our Drug Culture
Failure can tell you as much about yourself as the object of the lapse. Two large Type 2 diabetes trials were just presented at this year’s annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association. Each began with a theory that was “obviously correct,” but somehow failed to give the expected...
Aspartame Endorsed By ADA
Why is our Culture of Health in such a sorry state? Why are we having such a hard time with health? One of the biggest reason is that food interests have an incestuous relationship with our voices of good nutrition — those we SHOULD be able to trust. Where...
La prima
I love Saturdays. After "couch time" with Dottie reading the paper, followed by the nytimes crossword, I go to the strip district to shop at the local markets. But it begins with the Italian coffee shop, LaPrima. Incredible coffee, and a family like atmosphere of people who know you,...
Chocolate Eating Lessons
Make it last as long as possible: Chocolate melts at about 90 degrees, but our body temperature is 98.6 degrees. As a result, just a small piece of chocolate “melts in your mouth,” and slowly, lovingly gives of itself while doing so.Moreover, the natural vegetable oils in chocolate help...
Chocolate Eating Lessons
Size, As We Know, Matters: Just as two glasses of wine help the heart, and two bottles per day kill the liver … a little chocolate is beneficial, but becomes a health (and weight) liability when over-consumed. Thus, what makes chocolate “good for you” or “bad for you” has...
Chocolate Eating Lessons
Eat the dark chocolate: As popular as milk chocolate is, it’s the dark chocolate that’s healthful. What gives chocolate its trove of amazing health properties is the cocoa itself. And, if you had to guess … how many GRAINS of cocoa do you suppose there to be in standard...
Chocolate Eating Lessons
With an estimated 1.1 billion pounds of chocolate to be sold and consumed this Valentine’s Day, I know I’ll make chocolate lovers happy to know that chocolate can actually be a virtue, not a vice. If you find the right kind of chocolate, and consume it using healthful eating...
How to Screw Up Your Diet: 10. Go For The Glo
Focus on foods that gets your attention. If it doesn’t grab your eye RIGHT off the bat, it’s really not trying hard enough. So find foods that look like they come from outer space. Think day-glo pink, and neon orange. Those nuclear-yellow marshmallow “peeps” are an ideal screw-up-your-diet food....
How to Screw Up Your Diet: 9. Practice Gastro-Physics
There is a scientific secret to your diet. Don’t tell any one!! If you eat a candy bar, you can always annihilate it with diet products. Shhhh. Diet sodas and Snickers, as you know, are dietary matter and anti-matter. Thus, they cancel each other out. So if you have...
How to Screw Up Your Diet: 8. Bite The Big One
Take Monster bites. Think Huge. Think Anaconda. All together now!! If you feel that you may have to unhinge your jaws, you’re doing it right. How much can you fit in there anyway? Squirrel-packing your cheek pockets puts more food in that handy cheek-storage, which will allow you to...