How to Screw Up Your Diet: 7. Size Does Matter
Pursue platter portions. Serve meals on the largest plate you own. Turn over a garbage can lid if you have to, and make sure to completely fill the space with whatever you can ladle onto it. And if you you eat tons and tons of DIET food, all the...
How to Screw Up Your Diet: 6. Lose Your Mind
Lose your mind. Eat at your desk, alone, doing your job as you mindlessly eat and eat. Eat while watching TV at night, so you can be distracted by the latest episode of “The Biggest Loser.” The most important thing here is to never become aware of your food,...
How to Screw Up Your Diet: 5. Eat on the GO
Eat on the go. You can eat it in your carYou can eat it on your feetYou can eat where ever you areAnd you’ll never be replete Listen, just keep moving so you burn the calories as you shovel them in. Eating in a rush and huff is fantastic...
How to Screw Up Your Diet: 4. Eat All The Time
Eat all the time. Really. Graze. Think bovine thoughts. Moo once in a while if you have to. Once you start chomping, you’ll get a little mouth momentum working, and you can just go with it. Start with five to six small meals, and work up from there. Again,...
How to Screw Up Your Diet: 3. Find The Food Condoms
Find the food condoms Plastic-wrapped food is what you’re seeking. Remember that plastic is all modern, and new. YOU want to modern and new, so let’s get with the program!! If it’s found in a pre-packaged form, eat it. If you have no idea how long it has been...
How to Screw Up Your Diet: 2. Master Speed Eating
Master speed eating When you sign up for your new diet, you want to speed-eat so your food spends more time in your gullet than in your mouth. Otherwise, you’ll taste your low-whatever, cardboard-flavored food product. You really don’t want to taste it, because it’s nasty. Remember, your goal...
Follow the fad Be on the lookout for the newest of all the new diets – the more esoteric and absurd the better. Think cabbage soup, peanut butter and fat-be-gone rings. Statistically speaking, these have failed so often that sooner or later they must finally work. This is your...
How To Screw Up Your Diet
Americans face every January with renewed resolutions to fight the fat, battle the bulge, handle the love handles. And yet, every year the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tell us that our obesity rates are increasing. What’s wrong with this picture? We are either the very definition of...
Why do we have such huge weight problems …… Maybe we are too impulsive in the checkout aisle? Just a thought....
French Paradox … a Piece of the Puzzle
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2009) 63, 11–17; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2008.2; published online 13 February 2008 US and France adult fruit and vegetable consumption patterns: an international comparison Background/Objectives: To observe fruit and vegetable consumption as it relates to body mass index (BMI) and other variables, by analyzing the health surveys...
Wacky Food Trends
This is a funny article from Mairi Beautyman. The kitchen is a good place to start when it comes to green living. We already know that eating organic is better for both your body and the earth. But there are a few things I’ve heard about recently that may...
Oldest woman
World's Oldest Woman Dies at Age 115 Sent from my iPhone...