Pace Controls Portions
It is important to say it again: Pace Controls Portions. This simple principle can be found in the healthy habits of the Mediterranean people, and has been replicated in this study published in the British Medical Journal. Over 3,000 Japanese volunteers (aged from 30 to 69) were asked about...
Red Wine Pill: FDA takes a closer look
Good for the FDA. They stepped up and smacked down a Georgia-based supplements manufacturer for making unfounded (read, rediculous) drug claims about one of its resveratrol pills. Read the report here. The FDA told the company, Natural Biology, that its Red Wine Resveratrol pills were being marketed as a...
Yea tho’ I walk through the shadow …
Temptation is not often easily avoided. Halloween is a perfect example. Every year, the confection flood gates open, and test the mettle of your dreams of moderation. Just keep in mind that moderation can come in many forms. You may be a “cold turkey” person … that wonderful and...
‘Halloween diarrhea’: Medical Mystery Solved
This research looks at the Tricks that certain Treats can cause for us after Halloween. According to this report, patients with severe diarrhea and flatulence may need to consider a particular “food” source. The laxative effect of the sorbitol sweetener can be dangerous, particularly if these artificial sweeteners are...
And the Children Shall Lead Them …
According to this research, the message may be sinking in — in the UK, at least. Regardless of the location, it gives hope that we are actually having a positive impact on kids, by marketing healthy messasges to them. The data, looking at UK children from 11-16 years old...
I’ve heard it … you’ve heard it. “Don’t pass out candy. It’s bad for the kids!!” Then you hear the response: “But they won’t eat it. Kids’ will HATE the pencils, or toys, or whatever … just give them the Jolly Ranchers!!” This conversation happens every year at this...
The Holiday Gauntlet: From November To New Years
If you have kids, you can expect a pillowcase full of candy to come into your living room and spill across your dining room table. Even if you don’t have kids, you typically buy too much candy for the goblins and princesses passing by, and will have enough Twizzlers...
Pace and Portions … Like I Said
Since beginning this work almost 10 years ago, we have been teaching individuals a very simple principle. Pace Controls Portions. This was derived from the behavioral habits of the Mediterranean people, who do NOT gobble from styrofoam, and do NOT suffer our weight and health problems. This Medline Article...
Putting Caffeine in Food?
According to this Food Industry Report, you should expect to see caffeine-spike foods and snacks appearing on your grocer’s shelves. The brand, Morning Spark’s, for example, now produces a caffeine-fortified instant oatmeal in addition to their energy bars. Even weirder, if that were possible, Dakota Valley Products manufactures natural,...
Too Much Caffeine???
Too much caffeine — and it’s likely you don’t know just how much caffeine is in each drink — poses a potential health risk to the teens and kids they are marketed to. This, according to Dr. Roland Griffiths, a caffeine researcher. He says that while there are no...
Red Bull. A drug delivery device?
Are stimulant drinks just a vehicle for drug injection? Researchers at Johns Hopkins University are raising the issue, and recommending that caffeine be subject to the very same regulations as other drugs. Stimulant drink manufacturers have skirted US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation by selling their products, which...
Caffeine Intoxication
Write this down: A little is good … A lot is not. Surging global demand for high-caffeine energy drinks has led to increased reports of negative health impacts linked to the stimulant’s use in beverages, according to a new review. Researchers from John Hopkins University suggest that the labelling...