Category: Articles

Chlorinated Brownies

My daughter was asking about making brownies for a bake sale at her school (a public high school), and was told that she certainly could. Great!! Oh, as long as you make them with chlorinate sugar (a.k.a., Splenda). The cafeteria had gone over their limit in the amount of...

3:00 AM, College wellness on the brain

It's 3:00 am. I can't sleep, I think, because I'm so excited about this upcoming week. This week, I will be on the road at Berry College, my alma mater. We are launching an amazing initiative that coordinates all aspects of campus life, from Food Service and Academic Affairs...

ProBiotic Buyers

We spend over 1 billion dollars each year on products that have probiotics in them. But 85% of us don’t even know what they are, and 67% saying that had never heard the term “probiotics”!! Get the whole article here.Just this year, the World Gastroenterology Organization said that probiotics...

Gut Bugs

We are symbiants with our food. Sorry. We just are. And we need to recognize our biology, and the synergy it has with other living organisms, in order to have optimal health. In fact, research has shown that adding “friendly” bacteria to your diet improves the health of your...

Sweet on Sweet Potatoes!

It’s the perfect side dish of health! And we’ve been eating sweet potatoes since prehistoric times (there are “sweet potato relics” dating back 10,000 years, discovered in Peruvian caves), but only in the Americas. It took Christopher Columbus to bring them to back to Europe. 100 years later, sweet...

Bran – Just for old people?

Bran has an image problem. Bran is like … prunes. It’s what the elderly eat when they have to deal with the gurgling issues of their gastrointestinal netherworld. But what is bran? It’s not just muffins that weigh as much as a brick. It’s basically the part of rice...

Funny Memories

Laughter is a drug. And the nice thing about this particular addiction is that it is so hard to over dose on it. The healing power of humor is getting a new look from research science (now see here). You know those funny TV shows you watch, or that...

Stress’s Brain Drain

You are stressed. So what else is new. And you may think that, well, whatever, I’ll relax when I’m dead (or retired, whichever comes first). I’ve got way to much work to accomplish to let concerns over stress slow me down. And that’s the problem. Stress does slow you...

To Sleep, Perchance To Remember

Get a good night’s sleep. It’s good for your brain, and may contribute to neurogenesis, the formation of new nerve cells (see the study). WHY is sleep good for your brain? WHY does it help you remember better? It’s not clear to anyone (and research science has some speculations...

We Are People People

“Poor social connections, infrequent participation in social activities, and social disengagement predict the risk of cognitive decline in elderly individuals.” Read the full article here. Science to English Translation:Being a hermit is hazardous to your health! Humans are social animals and part of our wiring is set up to...

Brain Aerobics

Thinking about thinking games is not enough. You have to actually DO those thinking games. But according to research from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, the chances of you “slip sliding away” into the cognitive fog of dementia can be reduced by a whopping 75% by playing mental...

Learn To Learn To Learn

Here’s what we know:The more you learn, the healthier your brain becomes. The mental gymnastics don’t have to be strenuous, either. They just have to be consistent. So here’s the problem:We typically believe that learning is what you do in school. If there is no school, no classes, no...