Careful With Correlations
Every day, Haley’s comet careens further from the earth. Every day, my cat gets more ornery. These two things are perfectly correlated, and yet have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Science 101 teaches you that two things moving together, no matter how tightly in lock step, are...
BMI Blues
The Death Knell of a Diet Diagnostic We get all excited when we hit on something that (we think, we hope, we pray) will give us an objective measure we can point to on a chart and say, “You see here, this says you’re going to have x, y,...
Ban the Fat!
Step up to the Plate. Ban the Fat. This weekend on my radio program, a diverse group of individuals weighed in on the proposition that we follow New York City, and very soon Chicago as well, to ban the use of trans fats in restaurants throughout the municipality of...
Trans fat substitutes to offer diet therapy (revisited)
Trans fats will soon be replaced by edible oils that can be used for “diet therapy” to help halt the progress of illness or disease, a research analyst claims. Trans fats and their affect on human health is the biggest issue facing the edible oils and fats industry today,...
Mediterranean Diet for Diabetes Prevention
Are you surprized by this? The Mediterranean diet is protective for heart disease, obesity, and now Type 2 diabetes. In our own work, we have shown that our Mediterranean diet can also be effective in treating and reversing the glucose instabilities of uncontrolled diabetes. See our data here. These...
If you Just Say NO to HRT … then what?
I just wanted to add in this link to a site that goes over the foods that can help with the symptoms of menopause without increasing your risk of cancer and stroke. I like this resource because it relies on foods, rather than drugs that can increase your risk...
Supplements Do Harm For Cancer Treatment
We’ve been coached to substitute pills for food, to take one-a-day to boost, and enhance, and improve, and [insert miracle here]. But where does the coaching come from? Research science, carried out by independent research labs, does not support the incredible premise that we can improve on the miracle...
Childhood Obesity Takes a Breather
The Journal of the American Medical Association just reported that Childhood Obesity has not increased over this past year. The yearly up-sizing of our nation’s youth — and the down-sizing of our nation’s health — has paused to catch its breath. Think about the long long steady run —...
FDA Cuts the GRAS on Salt
Here’s what we know.1) Excess salt consumption is linked to heart disease and stroke.2) The Food and Drug Administration wants Americans to have fewer heart attacks and strokes. But their proposed solution to the problem is to consider changing the status of salt in the diet. The way they...
Hormone Replacement Therapy Redux
It’s back. Even though articles like this one remind us that women who take HRT are at an increased risk of stroke, and your risk of this life-threatening event is not decreased if you are young or old, more articles are appearing that attempt to re-introduce this pharmaceutical. One...
Misleading Titles on Vitamin B Supplements
The title of this article is as follows: Supplements a solution for B6 deficiency, says study But the study said nothing of the kind. This is a glaring example of the slippery slope of inferrance. Here is the opening line, which follows the misleading header: “Researchers at Tufts University...
Food Additives
From the Center For Science in the Public Interest: Glossary ANTIOXIDANTS retard the oxidation of unsaturated fats and oils, colorings, and flavorings. Oxidation leads to rancidity, flavor changes, and loss of color. Most of those effects are caused by reaction of oxygen in the air with fats. CARCINOGEN is...