A Week For Random Acts of Kindness
February is the month for “Random Acts of Kindness”, a perfect chance to sprinkle a joy in our lives and the lives of others! This week is all about performing simple, thoughtful gestures that can brighten someone’s day—because who doesn’t love a surprise act of kindness? Why is it...
“PAL”-entines Day? Absolutely!
Palentine’s Day is a wonderful option to add to our traditional Valentine’s Day focus on romance. But in this case, it is a heartwarming celebration of friendship. And it’s especially important for those who may not have a certain someone, or for those who just recognize the importance of...
Flip the Script on the Winter Blues
In the long slog of winter, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can silently take hold. This clinical condition results from the lack of sunlight that can occur through the winter months. It turns out that our brains need sunlight, and removing it can contribute to the neurohormones that lead to...
October Tip of the Month
Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to just let some things go. It’s a reminder that shedding past burdens or unhealthy habits can lead to personal transformation. Like the falling leaves, letting go creates room for your own next cycle of growth and renewal....
Take Time To Smell The … Leaves?
You’ve likely heard the adage that we should take time to smell the roses. Now that it’s fall, for our mental health we should take time in our day to smell the leaves! Being outdoors in a space with trees and leaves is actually beneficial for your mental health,...
Int’l Week of Happiness at Work!
September 20th to the 25th is International Week of Happiness at Work! Employee happiness is essential for your well-being but, honestly, also for your organization. That’s because happier employees tend to be more productive, creative, and that positive vibe is infectious! So, for this week in September, introduce...
Laughter and Connection
Remember “Esperanto”? No worries, nobody else does either. This was supposed to be a universal 2nd language for planet Earth, created to tie us all together. How do you say “face-plant” in Esperanto? Fortunately for us, we already have a universal form of communication that extends across all languages,...
The Mindful Challenge: Take a Brain Break
Take this challenge with me this week. Stop doing everything, nonstop, being the uber-productive whirlwind that you are. Just practice this for a period of time this week, let’s say we do it for 30 minutes. Sit, watch the snow, clear your head, and just give it a beat....
Ikigai: Finding Your Why, and WHY That’s Important
This principle of mindfulness may be unconventional, I know … but hear me out. And please let me know your own take on this. If you’re in the air at 30,000 feet and there’s “a sudden loss of cabin pressure”, those little breathing cups drop down. You’re instructed to...
Kaizen: Getting Your Process To Be Your Product
The Self-Talk You May Hear Inside Your Head: “You’re just faking it, you know. Look around at all the people who are bigger, better, faster, smarter. You kinda suck by comparison, and one day everyone’s going to see it.” “Humiliation. It’s bound to happen. It’s just a matter of...
Wabi Sabi: The Anti-Photoshop Principle of Japanese Culture
They say “the perfect is the enemy of the good”. Our current culture is the poster boy for this idea. Where everyone on ads and social is … Perfect. Smiling. Happy. Perfect. Smiling. Happy. It’s like our entire culture is photoshopped, with air-brushed everything all in soft-focus, corrected for...
Nice Matters (quick vid)
This quick-vid takes on the tired idea that “Nice guys finish last”. As you can guess, I’m not buying it. To care and be kind are not character flaws that hold you back, but move us all forward together. (share with a friend, if it makes sense to do)...