Category: Mental Health

9 Traits Of An Actual Narcissist

Everyone knows someone they’re sure is a flat out ‘narcissist’. We use that term as a slur for a kind of personality, mainly because we act as though the person just chose to be this way. But do we really understand what it means? According to the Cleveland Clinic,...

Mottainai: Where Less Is Definitely More

I moved from a 3,000 square foot home onto a sailboat that was all of 46 feet long. The thing is, all that space made it easy to just fill it up with stuff … in boxes and drawers and closets, and don’t even get me started on that...


This is true in so many senses. Step out of the Class-5 rapids of your daily life, and into a calm space. You don’t need a long time, just take a breather from the tempest. If you’re looking for clarity, that’s where you’ll find it....

Mindful Monday

Take your time on this, and let it sink in. You are so worthy. Just as you are.    (from Desiderata) ...

Kanso: The Japanese Principle for Mental Detox

Sometimes your heart is heavy with the weight of responsibilities piled onto your plate. Sometimes your mind is overwhelmed by the class-5 rapids of daily to-dos in your day. Sometime even the lightness of your heart can darken from the clouds of 24/7 news, delivering traumas and dramas every...

Panic Attacks

Just to level-set this conversation, panic attacks are NOT just someone having a really crappy day, or being “emotional”. The attacks are intense episodes of overwhelming fear and distress that happen to you, and can manifest both mentally and physically. There. That done, now just take a minute to...


Chronic loneliness is not just a psychological burden. It also eats away at a person’s physical health, like an emotional cancer that leads to physical harm. What Does Loneliness Do? Prolonged social isolation and loneliness can create increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, weakened immune systems, and even cognitive decline....

The connection between your immune system and laughter is not humerus (that’s your arm bone), it’s humorous (that’s funny). But — just to be anatomically correct — a humorous humerus is simply your funny bone. Aaaaand moving on. You know that laughter and good humor create the neurochemical daiquiri...

Laughter. It’s No Laughing Matter.

Funnily enough, scientists study laughter now. A lot. And one of the key findings is that laughter has a buffering effect on mental and emotional struggles like Burnout and even PTSD! In other words, laughter helps you to distance yourself emotionally from the stressful event(s) that just happened. When...

How Laughter Supports Wellbeing

Growing up in small town, Alabama, the Readers Digest used to be standard literature for one specific room in our house, when you had just a couple minutes on your hands. During these times, you could find classic articles under “Quotable Quotes”, “Life in These United States”, but my...