Mindful Monday on Covid
Well, it finally happened. Like so many of us, I got Covid too and now feel terrible: full-on snot squid, body aches, congestion and yep, my wife’s got it too! So for this Mindful Monday, my message is to focus on the things you can control, rather than the...
Mindful Monday Question
Great Question for this Mindful Monday...
Mindful Monday: Find The Good
Today's Mindful Monday uses olive harvest and brining as an example of the principle to Find The Good. ...
Mindful Monday: A Little Space
A little space. That’s all you need to get from mind full to mindful. Remove the space for stressful relationships in your life. Remove the space that doesn’t focus on service and love. Remove the space that doesn’t realize your amazing worth. A little space. That’s all you need....
The Mental Muddle
Mental health awareness is gaining traction. And despite how complicated it is, we are starting to understand it better. ...
A Mindful Monday Meditation
For this mindful Monday, meditate on the fact that every new start is a new opportunity to set a positive tone.
Mindful Monday and the Micro-Climate of Positivity
Never forget the power of laughter, and living with a lightness of spirit. It’s good for you physically, mentally, and emotionally. But even better, it transmits and infects that spirit to those around you. And of all the things to “go viral”, this is perhaps the best one. That’s...
Mindful Monday
You get to write your own story. You hold the pen. The narrative is yours. Make it beautiful....
Mindful Monday
Mindful Monday message to start each day with a grateful heart....
The 1 Thing As Powerful as Exercise for Improving Mental Health
Great research science on the factors that can improve mental health and our measures of "quality of life". This one is on par with exercise....
Yoga For Weight Loss?
The mantra for weight loss is so so simple: eat right and exercise. But there’s another factor to factor into the equation. Namely, mindfulness and the practice of Yoga. The word Yoga comes from Sanskrit, meaning the union of mind, body, and emotions. And even though this does not...
The 1 Thing You Can Do To Reduce Your Risk of Having A Stroke TODAY!
We all know what happens emotionally when you lose your temper, but what happens physically ... to your heart?...