Resolution Week Reverse Psychology
Every year we try to stick with our NY resolutions, and 80% of us fail by Valentines Day. This year we flip the script. Over the next week, I’ll give you the Top Ten Tips to totally mess up your diet. If 80% of us try to do this,...
Find The Good To Find Your Peace.
We are what we repeatedly do. Exercise your muscles and you get stronger muscles. Exercise your cardio and you get longer workouts. Exercise your ability to see good in the world, and you become better at that as well. But why would you do that? What’s in it for...
Next Week Is Our Resolution Week. Try Reverse Psychology.
HERE’S HOW TO REALLY MESS UP YOUR DIET We face every January with renewed resolutions to fight the fat, battle the bulge, handle the love handles. And yet, every year the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tell us that our obesity rates are increasing. What’s wrong with this picture? We are either the...
Iron Skillets Are The Non-Apple Product.
Apple just got busted for making their phones slow down and drag after they reach a certain age — trust me, I know what it’s like to slow down and drag after reaching a certain age. But theirs was an intentional business strategy. They did it because it’s great...
Wait. So Supplements DONT Help? Whooda Thunk?
Our physiology is what it is, how it is, and why it is because of its relationship with this Earth and the things that grow on it. That relationship is so intertwined, so long and broad and deep that the very notion that some invented pill could come along...
3 Myths of Cold Weather Health
The weather outside is frightful, but you exercise’s delightful …. But many don’t get outside and move. Why? Because it’s cold AND because there are ideas about chilly that simply are not true. This video talks about three of them. Once you’re done with the video, well you’ll know...