Love Matters For … Your Relationship With Food
What’s Love Got To Do With It? During the month of February, we are going over reasons love actually DOES have something to do with your emotional, physical, and social health. Let’s start with the love of food I got into a long drawn out discussion with a wonderful...
Resolution Solutions: The Importance of Support
Visibility Creates Accountability. Talking about your goals to your friends, family and coworkers can be a key element to your success. The more you put them out there, the more people know what you are setting out to do, and the more support you create around you! You will...
Resolution Solutions: Reward For Long Term Success
We’re human and like to be rewarded for our accomplishments. For the new year, we often have goals for ourselves, and those goals should come with rewards! The key to these rewards is to make them support your efforts, rather than work against them. For example, if your goal...
Slim but sedentary might face same heart risks as overweight
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Adults with a healthy weight but a sedentary lifestyle may have the same risk for heart attacks or strokes as people who are overweight, a recent study suggests. Researchers found that normal-weight people who spent much of the day sitting but still hit minimum...
Resolution Solutions: Barriers To Your Goals
Even well-written goals can fail. And that failure may not come from the goal itself, but from life circumstances that get in your way. The key is to acknowledge that there are barriers, identify what they are, and then plan a fix for them. There are so many kinds...
Resolution Solutions: Face Forward
The new year is a time when people often reset expectations for themselves, to have a brighter future. One great exercise in facing forward is to answer the following: Life is short, so today I will [fill in the blank]. Take a moment each morning to reflect on what you...
Resolution Solutions: One change solves two problems
In the new year, many people make resolutions to better manage such things as their finances and their health. But there is one activity that can allow you to do both: make your own food in your own home. For example, eating out might cost $10 for breakfast, $15...