Pictures: 7 Yoga Poses For Insomnia
Listen. 60 million Americans suffer from some form of insomnia. If you don’t want to take meds that may make you “sleep eat” or have other unwanted and bizarre side effects, there are a ton of remedies out there.
Wide-legged forward bend or Prasarita Padottansana is similar to the forward bend but involves the legs being spread a few feet apart. It’s known to calm the brain and stretch the back legs and spine.
Child pose or Balasana involves tucking your feet under your buttocks and bending forward with your hands stretched out in front (or resting lightly on either side). Child pose is good for relieving anxiety and fatigue — by promotion relaxation — and for stretching the hips, thighs and ankles.
Seated forward bend or Paschimottanasana is similar to the forward bend but is done while sitting instead of standing. It stretches the shoulders, spine and hamstrings and can be especially effective at relieving anxiety and insomnia
Plow or Halasana is a more advanced yoga pose that involves lying down, bending one’s body from the hip and placing the legs above and beyond the head. It stretches the shoulder and spine and can work for anxiety and stress-relief.
I have those on my WiiFit. I'm trying them this evening.
I LOVE WiiFit … what a great family game, for Fitness!!
Yoga teachers training in Rishikesh
In the event that you need to learn yoga, so the one of the best yoga instructors preparing in Rishikesh is Sattva Yoga Academy, Here you will learn with an extremely essential and afterward goes to propel level. Here you will get to be immaculate in yoga and wellness.