How to Get Your Children to Play Outdoors

I remember my mom … “Go outside, you’re driving me crazy!!” Then, we’d bolt for the door, and go hang with our friends, in the woods, in the yard, in the little swatch of woods in the back. “Playing Outside” is an indicator of how our Culture of Health...

Toxic Fruit & Veggies: “100% more risk”

Put something toxic on fruits and veggies … what did you THINK was going to happen. Researchers looked at our children to see if eating pesticides for breakfast, lunch, and dinner made those same kids more likely to develop cognitive disorders like ADHD. For me and you, it’s a...

The Bad Boys of the Meat Counter

It’s not meat, per se, that makes meat bad for you … it’s the crap they put in them to extend the shelf life. Beef … fine. Pork … fine. Lamb … fine. But you might want to think about cutting down on your Slim Jim fetish. “Processed meats...

In the Womb or in the Home?

Here’s the headline: If mom develops diabetes while she’s pregnant, the kids are more likely to be overweight by the time they’re 11 years old. They’re suggesting that there’s a link between the womb, and childhood obesity 11 years later. Really? It’s hard to know what to make of...

Sun Day

It was supposed to be cloudy and gross today, but it's sunny and beautiful, and there us something restorative about warming yourself on the blanket of warmth of the sun. Especially the PA sun that is not so stinging hot as you find in other places. Got to say....

Childhood Obesity

Today on the radio program (12:00 noon EST), we’ll talk about Childhood obesity, which has become an unfortunate part of our Culture of Health. What’s going on here? Who’s to blame? And how is this indicative of our adult obesity problems?? Click here to listen on your computer. For...

Even The Air We Breathe

Does EVERYTHING cause heart disease, stroke and cancer? This article links heart disease and stroke to the pollution in the air. Okay, that’s not surprising. It’s just disheartening to feel like we’re walking about in a soup of nastiness that is contributing to our deaths. It’s like fouling your...

What IS E. coli Anyway?

Ewww. e. Coli comes from cow intestines — there’s only ONE way out of there (getting a visual?), and sometimes THAT gets in our hamburgers, lettuce, tomatoes …. Ewww. Great summary here What you should know about E. coli from CNN explaining this bacteria, and why it, more and...

On early

The host before me has a graduation to go to, which means that stepping in early to blather away by filling both the airwaves and cyberspace with meaningful, razor sharp commentary brilliance that I will make up on the spot –yikes!! Call me to say hi — 412.333.1360 –...

Show notes for today

Today the radio program will have Chef Bill Hunt on to talk about cooking for normal people. Good news for red wine lovers, more bad news for supplements, and even MORE e.Coli contamination....

Healthy mom gifts

I'm on KDKA-TV this morning (figures, right? I'm sporting a monster cold sore, it's like a beacon on my face, a lip leprocy …. Beautiful). I'm talking about healthy gift ideas for mom. Ill post the link afterwards, on my way back to the carmex jar! Sent from my...

Broccoli Battles Breast Cancer –

Pedestrian foods are the healthiest foods!! In this case, plain old broccoli, which has the molecule sulforaphane which takes out breast cancer STEM CELLS! You can also find this cancer killer in cabbage, collard greens, kale, and cauliflower. So, this summer eat your cole slaw, and have a little...